“Failure when analyzed will
provide the building blocks for future successes that will be far greater than the
failure itself.”
- Steven K. ScottHow often do we catch ourselves retelling a story about something that had gone wrong, in a complaining kind of way? And all the while not noticing that nowhere in our sad tale, do we mention any kind of progressive reasoning or lesson. Just the same Boo Hoo details that seem to gain more dramatic emphasis each time we tell it. We are still annoyed, angry, feeling unfairly treated and so on.No? You cannot recall doing this? I bet if I asked you to recall a time or ten that you were annoyed by someone else doing it there would be instant recall … on them, on their story, on all the details and your own level of agitation you felt .How is it that many of us cannot see how we apply so great amount of energy on the “doesn’t gain me success to be worried about this” category? How many of us look at our own situational “failures” with more of a “what can I carry forward from this experience” outlook?How can we start to be more in control of positive growth versus easy negative venting?A simple willingness to face our demons. That’s it. So, if you are ready to energize, then get ready for battle.This is your A5 moment. Analyze 5. Think of five things today where you “failed”. Things did not go as planned, or you were not fantastic the first go, or even relationships. It would be a bonus if these 5 are things you can recall complaining about… to someone, and then to someone else, and then that other guy, and the dude that sold you coffee… ( connecting the dots yet?).Take your 5, and then for each one, to start, replace your feeling of failure or disappointment, with one positive growth identification you took away. Maybe, this is the first time you are seeing it this way … and that my friends, is the Awakening moments to build your strength of the day on.Good Morning, Greater Day. Greater You – turning your OLD disappointments into something to stand on.AYD – Pierre Couturier – Husband, Daddy and Author to my Day. Switching Gears.