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"What can we do, starting today, to build lasting success?"...."We all want to be part of something. We all want to feel great about the choices we make."

Friday, January 2, 2009

Awaken Your Day - Jan 2, 2009 - A New Day

Thought we would skip the first day of the year, and let everyone ponder their own thoughts and evaluations of the year past, and the promise that this one brings.

You may have come up with a lot to think about regarding what you did do last year, what you did not and what you 'hope' and 'wish' for for this year.

Bottom line, is be true to yourself and your abilities and more than anything your expectations of you. Dream big, but dream truthful. Shoot for the stars but then stay true to the action that will propel you to them.

There is always so much we can try to tap into for motivating each of us at this time. Our lives always take on a refreshed focus right now. Trick is to keep the focus. Take it from me, it is the key ingredient I have been inconsistant with to push the boundaries of my own success.

I borrowed today's comments below from Bob Proctor. Funny, how what I need finds me when I need it, and I hope I then in turn find some of you when you need it.

Good morning, good start, good year.


Take a Year-End Attitude Inventory

It's a wise custom to end an old year and begin a new one with serious self-reflection. What did you learn this year that can improve your life and make you a better person?

Start by examining the way you think and feel about your job, your relationships, and yourself. After all, the single most important factor in personal happiness and your impact on others is your attitude.

In the geometry of life, the axiom is "positive attitudes produce positive results." They make success more likely, failures less harmful, pleasures more frequent, and pain more bearable. Some people tend to bring warm sunshine wherever they go; others bring cold chills. What do you bring?

To find out where you can improve, take an honest inventory of your predispositions, the attitude you're most likely to start with.

Are you generally optimistic or pessimistic?
Do you tend to assume the best or expect the worst of people?
Is your first instinct to be empathetic or judgmental?
Is your first instinct to be supportive or critical?
Do you send the message that you enjoy life or that you're barely enduring it?
Do you come across as the captain of your own ship or simply a passenger?

Wherever you are on the positive-attitude spectrum, think how much better things could be if you were more consistently and self-consciously optimistic, empathetic, supportive, grateful, enthusiastic, hopeful, and cheerful.

So why not resolve to think, act, and speak more positively about yourself, your family, your coworkers, and everyone else in your life?

- Michael Josephson

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