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"What can we do, starting today, to build lasting success?"...."We all want to be part of something. We all want to feel great about the choices we make."

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Awaken Your Day - July 2 - Clean Canvas

"You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where you thoughts take you."
- James Lane Allen

Did you wake up this morning, right where your emotions left off yesterday?
Were you upset over something ... and now you are freshly upset on this new day?
Or...were you able to put away all the incomplete tasks, and any negative emotions that you may have had? Tuck them in as you would a child...and wish them sweet dreams?

Should a day take us down a path that is not our favourite, we need to work on our awareness of the thoughts and feelings we have and ensure that we do not carry them with us into those moments that are supposed to be peaceful and healthy for us. Much like you should never go to bed angry with your spouse, with an arguement unresolved, so should you avoid going to bed with ill tasting thoughts or feelings within you that will decide for you where your day will start. Would you rather be in control of your day from the first moment ... breathe deep and enjoy the peaceful slumber you just rewarded yourself with...or would you like to wake up with a fresh ray of sunshine packaging up a fresh layer of discontent from the day gone by.

It is not just our thoughts about our success and our dreams that decide where they will be for tomorrow's starting line up, it is also just our day to day thoughts and emotions that we need to be aware of. Our daily thoughts, if not managed, can be the distractions that keep our dreams and goals stuttering for progress each and every day.

How you manage your thoughts today - can give you a clean canvas to work with tomorrow.

Good Morning

Pierre Couturier
Father, Husband, Author, Entrepreneur and Friend.

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