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Thursday, October 2, 2008

Awaken Your Day - Oct 2 - Enthusiasm

"Every memorable act in the history of the world is a triumph of enthusiasm. Nothing great was ever achieved without it because it gives any challenge or any occupation, no matter how frightening or difficult, a new meaning. Without enthusiasm you are doomed to a life of mediocrity, but with it you can accomplish miracles. "
- Og Mandino, 1923-1996, Speaker and Author

This morning we have two powerful thoughts from the one. This is part of our growth as well, taking one message and seeing how it touches, and expands into other meaning, reaching like a flourishing tree branch, more and more toward the sunlight - inspiration.

We touch here on enthusiasm which for me this morning, was a nice "Ah ha" moment. All it takes sometimes is to see the word, and I am instantly brought back on track. Like a kaleidoscope I see the last few days of images flash before me showing me the lack of enthusiasm. Then the rush back to this moment, and a fresh breath and I feel I am in charge again. I am aware, and I am ready to resume control.

I picture walking into my office and I am not foreseeing conflict, but instead, accomplishment. I do not struggle with loose ends, I am busy with a 'plan'. I can hear the difference in the tone of my thoughts.

Secondly, Inspiration can find you anywhere.

I begin these mornings not sure what we will share here sometimes. And certainly, like everyone, there are days when I realize I am preoccupied with draining thought patterns. Worry, stress, anticipation, cluttered lists of action for the day, maybe a sense of unprioritized obligation.

And in a moment of reading a phrase, or a headline, or a goal, or like this morning, a quote - I am lucky to sweep off my "mental desk top" , to find underneath all that was a distraction, my passion. What it is that I am truly reaching for. And all that other stuff, slowly takes it's place is the order of what matters.

Call it lucky, or coincidence. I call it inspiration patiently waiting in the shadows. My faithful friend. How else would it know so often just where to find me, at exactly the moment I need it too.

Maybe, because earlier, I remembered to Enthusiastically, leave the door open for whatever my good friend, Inspiration, might bring by.

Good morning, and may you greet it with enthusiasm.


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