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Friday, December 19, 2008

Awaken Your Day - Dec 19 - Simple Things

"Anything simple always interests me."
- David Hockney


Okay...Christmas, and socks.

Got a mental picture now, don't you?

Funny how things take on a whole different set of values, as our growth ( phyiscal, mental and emotional) progresses.

Christmas morning, all excited for presents and opening stuff and wondering what you got and Oh Ya one of those! and AWESOME ! you got that ...and .... and .... What's this? A package of socks? Who gives a package of socks? Really??

This morning I was getting ready and much to my disappointment I realized I did not have any clean work socks. More, I did not have any clean pairs of those ones I like, those cushiony ones that make my feet not hurt.

Those cushiony ones that make my feet feel good.

Those...grey socks, with the little emblem on top that should sit right over my middle toe cause then the seam is in the right place and oh you remember when we found those and how soft they were on my feet and how good that made my whole body feel because we know what happens when my feet get sore they just ache and I feel it all up my back and I can feel the agrivation coming on and I get grouchy when my feet hurt and why can't every pair of socks feel like that much cushion and I sure wish I had just one more pair hidden here in the drawer if I could just find one more pair hidden here somewhere it would be just like, I don't know like a gift or something boy would it be a nice surprise to find just one more of those pairs ya that would make my day be just like a ... Christmas morning, when I was a kid.

Socks. Then, and now.

What else in your day may fall under the same banner, or evolved story of meaning...as socks?

I challenge you to find the value in all the simple things in your day that we often overlook...until it is not there.

Objects, people and abilities to do things.
Count your "socks" - count your blessings.

Good morning, good counting - and I urge you to comment here on the things you get reaquanted with.

Show you care - Here

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