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"What can we do, starting today, to build lasting success?"...."We all want to be part of something. We all want to feel great about the choices we make."

Friday, March 21, 2014

AYD - March 21, 2014 - Limit-Less Friday

"Limit-Less Friday" - Pierre

Must the week of keeping it simple.

Today... limit less in your life.
Do not limit your ability.
Not with thoughts or lack of belief, not with fears and certainly not with "But ....".

Take away one limit today.  How do i do that you say?  Well, first put some thought to it.

Try to identify at least 3 limitations we face in our life.  Better yet, go to ten so you can find some to get rid of and then see the energy of the exercise.

Identify limitations... then ask truthfully if they are mental or physical.

Not having 50,000 to buy a new Cadillac is a physical limitation.  Not looking past the physical to Think about how to get the 50,000 is a self made Mental limitation.

Which one can you remove... right now.

On your mark, get set .... Limit Less Friday.

Good Morning, Greater Day.
Greater you, shows others to believe they can remove limitations.

Pierre Couturier
Husband, Daddy, and Author to my day.

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