What is the price of success?
Let's start by just loosely defining success as anything you set out to achieve and you did so. You set a goal, and you made it.
What does it cost you? Really?
Now, some of you will be thinking about goals of all sizes and with the broad range of goals comes a broad range of potential financial costs. That being understood, let's maybe break it down a little more.
Six weeks ago, I signed up for a Police Fitness Prep course. This is a course designed to get people ready to take on the policeman's physical exam. For me, it was a way to jumpstart my motion to get back to better health.
The goal was set. Determine where I was with my physical ability after being behind a desk without much recreation for six years - and improve on it to prove to myself that all was not lost.
Initial cost - desire and $65. Running cost - commit to two nights a week, and sacrifice time at home and some training calls, potato chips, eating after 9 p.m. , and the idea that I was not really that bad yet.
I began at 217.2 pounds. I could barely run one and a half laps before needing a break for my screaming leg muscles and my heart that had already ran 4 laps. We did an assessment test where you run a lap, do 15 push ups and 25 crunches and then get up and do that rotation four more times. With the funeral home on speed dial, I clocked in at 12.5 minutes. It helps to have some young guy beside you asking if you really want to do this.
Cost reminder - 6 weeks, 2 nites a week and some dedication to feel good again.
Last nite I came in at 205.8lbs. My time on the assessment was 9.5 minutes. And now I can run at least 6 laps without needing a towel for my tears. I feel good. My tummy is less persistant at pushing my shirt away from my body. And I have a notch back on my belt.
I can dance with my wife again.
I feel successful.
What is the cost of success? What is the benefit of even this little, yet oh so generous feeling of success?
You tell me.
Friday brings you some free time to do more of what you want. Might I suggest you dig deep and identify one little goal. Be it some exercise, or clean the garage, or read a book...anything.
Might I suggest that if you just don't have a ton of time, then you gather up a little here, and a little there...like an hour a nite, two nites a week....and sit back and dedicate that to this little goal.
Tell me how fast six weeks goes by - Right after you tell me how wonderful you feel, or how clean the garage is...or how that book had such a wonderful and happy ending.
On your side, and on your team.
I believe in your success.
This is Pierre,
On behalf of my Partner and I with Wealth Creators Inc. and Prosperity Designers Inc. - Have a wonderful weekend.
Pierre Couturier – February 22, 2008
Author – “All She Is…”
Author – “All She Is…”
Success is Yours
Personal Development and Business Opportunity 1-888-719-5819
Personal Development and Business Opportunity 1-888-719-5819