"Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant."
- Robert Louis Stevenson
Recently it came to my attention, how very little effort it took to create the beginning of a positive interaction in our lives. We made friends with our neighbors. It is not that it was hard, it actually stands out because it was rather easy to do. But the planting of that seed makes you see how much easier life is when you take the moment and the sincerity to do so.
And, of course, as these thoughts passed over my overactive mind, I also thought of the other seeds we have planted...and the positive relationships that make our life more enjoyable because of them. And then, thoughts of those friends who took the time to get to know us first.
It is a very good feeling to carry with you ... when you see the seeds you plant, grow into a solid relationship; working or daily acquaintance or personal friend.
There was a time in my life when I had to honestly say there was really not many people I could count on. Today, I would have to say, I have a "garden" that many would envy.
And I am thankful.
Good morning. Get planting.
Pierre Couturier
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Welcome to AYD, and may this be the start of great things to come.
Please find today's shared comment below.
Visit often as we add new material and contacts and if you like what you find here, please share it with friends and family.
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Welcome to AYD, and may this be the start of great things to come.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Awaken Your Day - Aug 4 -
"I am more and more convinced that our happiness or our unhappiness depends far more on the way we meet the events of life than on the nature of those events themselves."
- Karl Wilhelm Von Humboldt
Combine this with the often quoted comment that it is not what happens to us but how we respond to what happens, and you can see that our success in many ways comes down to a practiced awareness.
An awareness of our gratitude for the things we have versus our envy for those things we do not.
An awareness of our passions, and how they motivate us to constantly step forward...big, or small.
An awareness of our achievements - that show us the greatness of how far we have come.
An awareness of how we desire to grow, learn and become rather than hiding in a shell.
An awareness that we are unlimited in what we can do.
When we go thru our days energized by the awareness that we are in charge of our moments, no matter what event we meet - we meet it with our best foot forward and our mind on our true destination. The idea is that a negative event, will then not control you but instead you will have the ability to navigate thru or past it, for you met it with power and not vulnerability. The shadow of the event, will not be allowed to make it look larger and more ominous for you are viewing it with open eyes and mind - which gives you a more direct light source for these moments. You give yourself a better chance to see events for what they truly are, and not what emotion paints them to be.
The impact of an event is lessened, for your response to it is also more controlled. Unless of course it is a great and joyful moment...in which case you might let control go and just enjoy with reckless abandon.
Open your mind to the idea that you begin the day, with all the tools you need to be a great designer of the day that lies ahead, or to be a great handyman if you need to be to fix those moments that do not go so well.
Meet, greet, and respond accordingly.
Each day and event is like one of those kids books, where the choices you make during the story take you to an assortment of alternate endings.
Good morning, and great meetings.
Pierre Couturier
Father, Husband, Author, Entrepreneur, Friend and Believer.
Follow me on Twitter...
The Card Connection
- Karl Wilhelm Von Humboldt
Combine this with the often quoted comment that it is not what happens to us but how we respond to what happens, and you can see that our success in many ways comes down to a practiced awareness.
An awareness of our gratitude for the things we have versus our envy for those things we do not.
An awareness of our passions, and how they motivate us to constantly step forward...big, or small.
An awareness of our achievements - that show us the greatness of how far we have come.
An awareness of how we desire to grow, learn and become rather than hiding in a shell.
An awareness that we are unlimited in what we can do.
When we go thru our days energized by the awareness that we are in charge of our moments, no matter what event we meet - we meet it with our best foot forward and our mind on our true destination. The idea is that a negative event, will then not control you but instead you will have the ability to navigate thru or past it, for you met it with power and not vulnerability. The shadow of the event, will not be allowed to make it look larger and more ominous for you are viewing it with open eyes and mind - which gives you a more direct light source for these moments. You give yourself a better chance to see events for what they truly are, and not what emotion paints them to be.
The impact of an event is lessened, for your response to it is also more controlled. Unless of course it is a great and joyful moment...in which case you might let control go and just enjoy with reckless abandon.
Open your mind to the idea that you begin the day, with all the tools you need to be a great designer of the day that lies ahead, or to be a great handyman if you need to be to fix those moments that do not go so well.
Meet, greet, and respond accordingly.
Each day and event is like one of those kids books, where the choices you make during the story take you to an assortment of alternate endings.
Good morning, and great meetings.
Pierre Couturier
Father, Husband, Author, Entrepreneur, Friend and Believer.
Follow me on Twitter...
The Card Connection
Friday, July 31, 2009
Awaken Your Day - July 31 - Are You Rechargeable?

"Oh, my friend, it's not what they take away from you that counts. It's what you do with what you have left."
- Hubert Humphrey
There is a weekend on the horizon.
One more day of work...just one more day.
One more day of work...just one more day.
I have two things to consider today, both with the same question to follow.
Oh my friend, it's not what they take away from you that counts.
We often encounter someone, or ourselves, that is at this point in the week, somewhat drained.
They wonder if they have enough energy to enjoy the time they get to themselves.
"Where is all that energy I had at the beginning of the week? I felt like 100%!"
Well... let's see...
Work related stress - 20%
Household chores- 10%
Raising children - 15%
Finances and planning - 20%
World News - 5%
Daily unnecessary stress ( traffic, line ups ) - 10%
Left over positive energy to build momentum on - 20%
The question is .... Are You Rechargeable?
"Oh, my friend, it's not what they take away from you that counts. It's what you do with what you have left."
Example number 2:
You have a goal. A dream. Something you believe in and are working on. You started with energy and passion. 110%. Where is it now? Why can you not keep it going? But...But...But...
Let's see.
Not surrounded by like minded people - 20%
Pessimistic attitudes - 20%
Fear - 25%
Distracted or unfocussed passion - 20%
That maybe leaves you ( and I, and so many like us ) with 25% Belief in yourself from where you started. For many, that is being generous.
The question is ... Are You Rechargeable?
Along the way, and along the day we face so many actions and influences that nibble away on our passions and energies. Call them distractions, call them excuses - it does not overly matter. What we need to stay in charge of is our awareness to this life fact. Some of us are in better control of our energies and some of us are still learning how to get to that level. We stand together.
Red Rover Red Rover...we call Inspiration over.
Are you Rechargeable? Do you slowly give up each time you take inventory of your Passion/ Energy level? Are you at a point where you come around the bend for another try but this time you are only starting with 80% total? Then 65%? Then wondering why you try?
Awareness, acceptance or adaptability to setbacks, control over those things that we know will continue to attempt to drain our energy. These are your tools. Don't act surprised ... just use your tools.
Are you tired?
Are you a Victim ... or a Victor?
Are you a Victim ... or a Victor?
Are You .... Rechargeable?
Good morning.
All systems go.
Pierre Couturier
Father, Husband, Author, Entrepreneur, Friend ... & Believer.
Father, Husband, Author, Entrepreneur, Friend ... & Believer.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Awaken Your Day - July 30 - To Grow or Not to Grow
"And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."
- Anais Nin
Sadly, many of us do not even know that we are living so tightly in our familar and secure bud.
I am an example of one who wishes he had explored a little more. I do not mean all of a sudden one day I wish I just decided to go bungee jumping or skydive. It is extreme thoughts like that that discourage many people from the simple act of thinking of what "blossom" might mean to them because they see it as a drastic change.
I just wish to encourage you to take some time NOW to grow. Grow in any amount, at any speed that suits you. But Blossom you should...Please.
Take a class.
See something new.
Read a book.
Try new foods.
Learn to swim.
Just open yourself to something you want to experience. Expose yourself to new sights, sounds, smells.
A day, or many days do come.... when we far too often say, "I wish I would have..."
I did it this morning, and now it is time to erase a wish from my "Is it too Late?" list.
Good Morning.
Pierre Couturier
- Anais Nin
Sadly, many of us do not even know that we are living so tightly in our familar and secure bud.
I am an example of one who wishes he had explored a little more. I do not mean all of a sudden one day I wish I just decided to go bungee jumping or skydive. It is extreme thoughts like that that discourage many people from the simple act of thinking of what "blossom" might mean to them because they see it as a drastic change.
I just wish to encourage you to take some time NOW to grow. Grow in any amount, at any speed that suits you. But Blossom you should...Please.
Take a class.
See something new.
Read a book.
Try new foods.
Learn to swim.
Just open yourself to something you want to experience. Expose yourself to new sights, sounds, smells.
A day, or many days do come.... when we far too often say, "I wish I would have..."
I did it this morning, and now it is time to erase a wish from my "Is it too Late?" list.
Good Morning.
Pierre Couturier
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Awaken Your Day - July 28 - A Duel
Quick, short and simple today.
I challenge you to a duel...or should I say I invite you to participate in a duel. Between the "Have" and "Have Not". Between the "I Want...I Wish... I Need" and the "I Have...I Did.... I Acheived".
Everytime you see something today that you want, or you think of something you need ( training, material thing, feeling ) I want you to list - yes...actually write down - something that you have already achieved .
For example - I wish I could have a new car. And... I bought and have paid off my old car.
Our mission today...is simply to recognize the skills we have already displayed to get to where we are and to have attained steps and things that we wanted in our lives. Once we recognize that we already have the skills to achieve, we can begin to push ourselves to reach for the next level of our goals.
In recognizing our achievements we stand a better chance of harvesting further belief in ourselves and our abilities to grow further.
Good morning, and may you be pleasantly reminded by a large list.
Pierre Couturier
I challenge you to a duel...or should I say I invite you to participate in a duel. Between the "Have" and "Have Not". Between the "I Want...I Wish... I Need" and the "I Have...I Did.... I Acheived".
Everytime you see something today that you want, or you think of something you need ( training, material thing, feeling ) I want you to list - yes...actually write down - something that you have already achieved .
For example - I wish I could have a new car. And... I bought and have paid off my old car.
Our mission today...is simply to recognize the skills we have already displayed to get to where we are and to have attained steps and things that we wanted in our lives. Once we recognize that we already have the skills to achieve, we can begin to push ourselves to reach for the next level of our goals.
In recognizing our achievements we stand a better chance of harvesting further belief in ourselves and our abilities to grow further.
Good morning, and may you be pleasantly reminded by a large list.
Pierre Couturier
Monday, July 27, 2009
Awaken Your Day - July 27 - 39 Fresh Start
Not just to reach for, but also they act like a rest area on the dream trail to pause and reflect. You have heard me say numerous times that we need not look ahead and be discouraged by the mountain of a journey before us, rather we need to look back with enthusiasm and express boistrously, "Wow, look how far I have come!!"
Hitting a milestone in age always causes one to reflect; and often that reflection hilites regrets.
We cannot do this.
My wife asked my yesterday if I was happy with where I find myself at this stage of my life. I told her I am thrilled where I am with my marriage, and our child, but I admitted that I had a few things I would have liked to have put more energy too. In saying that, I was happy to realize that I was not dwelling on regrets of incomplete attempts; instead I was calmly identifying those few things where I could improve my effort for the next push - but the dream was not dissolved. My awareness was and is my companion.
I have far too many blessings to be feeling self pity, or self anger for things I did not complete.
I turn 39 years old today. 39. I find it hard to believe. Where did the time go? What have I done? What do I long to do? How much time is there left for me? Have I found my skills? Have I touched my inner belief ? Can I share my passion? Am I successful?
39? Really?
"A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams." - John Barrymore
I have defied the odds in my lifetime.
A few times. Definitively. Luckily.
So I am only mildly surprised as I discover how I feel this morning, and ... for the first time, it is really sinking in. I do not feel 39.
I do not feel lost. Nor panicked. And I do not feel like it is a race now to accomplish something because of this number. No. Instead I feel quite different than I expected. I know I am where I am because of decisions I made along the way, and I know that where I will be tomorrow will depend on the decisions I make now, moving forward from this marker.
It may have taken me this wonderful journey to now, to properly see the vibrant picture layed out before me - but at Mile marker 39 - I truly feel like I am just warming up.
How fitting is it for me, that this next stage begins on Opportunity Monday?
Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen....we are starting the engines.
Pierre Couturier
Father, Husband, Author, Entrepreneur, Friend... and Believer.
Not just to reach for, but also they act like a rest area on the dream trail to pause and reflect. You have heard me say numerous times that we need not look ahead and be discouraged by the mountain of a journey before us, rather we need to look back with enthusiasm and express boistrously, "Wow, look how far I have come!!"
Hitting a milestone in age always causes one to reflect; and often that reflection hilites regrets.
We cannot do this.
My wife asked my yesterday if I was happy with where I find myself at this stage of my life. I told her I am thrilled where I am with my marriage, and our child, but I admitted that I had a few things I would have liked to have put more energy too. In saying that, I was happy to realize that I was not dwelling on regrets of incomplete attempts; instead I was calmly identifying those few things where I could improve my effort for the next push - but the dream was not dissolved. My awareness was and is my companion.
I have far too many blessings to be feeling self pity, or self anger for things I did not complete.
I turn 39 years old today. 39. I find it hard to believe. Where did the time go? What have I done? What do I long to do? How much time is there left for me? Have I found my skills? Have I touched my inner belief ? Can I share my passion? Am I successful?
39? Really?
"A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams." - John Barrymore
I have defied the odds in my lifetime.
A few times. Definitively. Luckily.
So I am only mildly surprised as I discover how I feel this morning, and ... for the first time, it is really sinking in. I do not feel 39.
I do not feel lost. Nor panicked. And I do not feel like it is a race now to accomplish something because of this number. No. Instead I feel quite different than I expected. I know I am where I am because of decisions I made along the way, and I know that where I will be tomorrow will depend on the decisions I make now, moving forward from this marker.
It may have taken me this wonderful journey to now, to properly see the vibrant picture layed out before me - but at Mile marker 39 - I truly feel like I am just warming up.
How fitting is it for me, that this next stage begins on Opportunity Monday?
Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen....we are starting the engines.
Pierre Couturier
Father, Husband, Author, Entrepreneur, Friend... and Believer.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Awaken Your Day - July 21 - Do you see what I see?
"The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be only the beginning."
-Ivy Baker Priest
What does Ivy's comment mean to you?
It's not the end of the world.
Whenever one door closes, another opens.
Find the positive in every negative.
I am a firm believer that we all receive and process messages in our own way. We all paint a different picture in our minds even though we have heard the same words. The meaning you may not grasp today, you will when it is painted differently tomorrow or a year from now with a different sentence. And maybe that is right when you need to find your own understanding of the message.
I like the way Ivy put this today, for it gives me a simple, yet easily referenced picture that tells me a thousand words of reassurance. Like the old association techniques for remembering things, I can, in a moment of anger or maybe despair, I can picture a blue world, and I will then think 'round', and then 'no beginning, no end' and then 'flow' from this negative moment into a new one and I can think 'end of one chapter, and the turning of the page,' and so on.
I can draw on this resource, no matter how fast my real world is spinning out of control. And I can draw a full breath, clear my head and calm the waters before I ride the rapids into the day.
We find our messages in different paintings by the same artist. That is what makes us unique.
That is what keeps the dawn always coming around.
The world is round. I may come to the end of a road ... but I am sure that is a path I see up there to the left. I wonder where it goes.
May you encounter a new beginning today, in anything you need to.
Pierre Couturier
-Ivy Baker Priest
What does Ivy's comment mean to you?
It's not the end of the world.
Whenever one door closes, another opens.
Find the positive in every negative.
I am a firm believer that we all receive and process messages in our own way. We all paint a different picture in our minds even though we have heard the same words. The meaning you may not grasp today, you will when it is painted differently tomorrow or a year from now with a different sentence. And maybe that is right when you need to find your own understanding of the message.
I like the way Ivy put this today, for it gives me a simple, yet easily referenced picture that tells me a thousand words of reassurance. Like the old association techniques for remembering things, I can, in a moment of anger or maybe despair, I can picture a blue world, and I will then think 'round', and then 'no beginning, no end' and then 'flow' from this negative moment into a new one and I can think 'end of one chapter, and the turning of the page,' and so on.
I can draw on this resource, no matter how fast my real world is spinning out of control. And I can draw a full breath, clear my head and calm the waters before I ride the rapids into the day.
We find our messages in different paintings by the same artist. That is what makes us unique.
That is what keeps the dawn always coming around.
The world is round. I may come to the end of a road ... but I am sure that is a path I see up there to the left. I wonder where it goes.
May you encounter a new beginning today, in anything you need to.
Pierre Couturier
Friday, July 17, 2009
Awaken Your Day - July 17 - Christmas in July

"I wish we could put some of the Christmas spirit in jars and open a jar of it every month."
- Harlan Miller
Borrowed from "Chicken Soup for the Soul - The Wisdom of Dads"
I often wonder why it is that joy, or intensity seems to increase more drastically at specific times and in certain ways as to reinvent interest is something and bring us to "the edge of our seat."
Like playoffs during sports like Hockey. They always seem to play so much more focussed at THAT time of year. "This is Playoff hockey!" I would like to see them play that strongly all year.
Like the last two minutes of any football game...when all of a sudden that final drive to win the game produces the most exciting and well played football of the entire afternoon. Where was that excitement for the first 58 minutes?
Like when we hit rock bottom, and we have no choice but to focus on nothing but climbing up, and we generate a success story.
It drives me crazy as I wonder again, WHY can they not play that intense throughout the game? Why can we not focus on success before we are get so low? Why THEN does it mean something enough to bring out the best in who we are and what we do?
And so... Christmas in July.
Why must I wait until December to capture the famed "Christmas Spirit"?
Ignore the gift giving as that is not what this is about. The energy. The feel good, the love thy neighbor, the jolly, the music the thinking of others. "Hey Bill, have a Merry Friday, July 17th. Why? Well, because you can, and should." And Bill thinks, "What is wrong with you? It is July, not December. You can't get away with acting like that in July. Merry Friday?!! What? No. We don't do that. It's December...it's always been December, And give me back my lawnmower."
Is it because Christmas is a predetermined mind set? Is it because we are told that at THAT time we SHOULD feel this way and so THAT becomes what IS? It helps that Christmas is filled with this labelled support and focus and like minded people. Surrounded by Like Minded People... is that not one of the fundamental elements to Success? Success of any goal or idea or thought or feeling.... surround yourself with those that think like you.
When the setting is laid out for us, it is almost like Permission to be a part of the Joyful Atmosphere. It is Christmas, therefore I am Christmasy. We simply "role" into it.
So... who says we cannot adopt this wonderful emotional frame of mind...this expressed goodness and joy.... why cannot we adopt this and parallel it anytime. "Role" into it. Put aside the gifts and the main theme of Christ for the moment, as this is just plain and simply touching on the Spirit of the Holidays. Choosing to spread good Cheer...because we can and should.
Let John and Susan break into the Beach Boys at the office; because it is Christmas in July and summer beach songs would be the Carols of summer. In fact...I dare you to go summertime caroling. Go on, get some friends and knock on doors and break into song.
"Let's go surfing now, everybody's learning how. Come on and safari with me....come and safari with me."
Just think of it. The spirit of Christmas in July.
Just imagine the changes you could make with a simple phrase at this time of year.
That guy that just apologized for his bad manners in traffic..."Hey, it's okay. It's Christmas."
That new temp at the office that just shredded instead of copied your file..."Hey, it happens. Don't worry, it's Christmas." ( Watch the face on that one...it would be priceless.)
Or you, taking a moment to stop your busy life, and pick up the phone to catch up with friends and family and to wish them well ... because it is Christmas.
A predetermined mind set. Like minded people.
Invent it anytime you want to....don't wait for December, when today is right here.
Open a jar of Christmas on somebody.
- Harlan Miller
Borrowed from "Chicken Soup for the Soul - The Wisdom of Dads"
I often wonder why it is that joy, or intensity seems to increase more drastically at specific times and in certain ways as to reinvent interest is something and bring us to "the edge of our seat."
Like playoffs during sports like Hockey. They always seem to play so much more focussed at THAT time of year. "This is Playoff hockey!" I would like to see them play that strongly all year.
Like the last two minutes of any football game...when all of a sudden that final drive to win the game produces the most exciting and well played football of the entire afternoon. Where was that excitement for the first 58 minutes?
Like when we hit rock bottom, and we have no choice but to focus on nothing but climbing up, and we generate a success story.
It drives me crazy as I wonder again, WHY can they not play that intense throughout the game? Why can we not focus on success before we are get so low? Why THEN does it mean something enough to bring out the best in who we are and what we do?
And so... Christmas in July.
Why must I wait until December to capture the famed "Christmas Spirit"?
Ignore the gift giving as that is not what this is about. The energy. The feel good, the love thy neighbor, the jolly, the music the thinking of others. "Hey Bill, have a Merry Friday, July 17th. Why? Well, because you can, and should." And Bill thinks, "What is wrong with you? It is July, not December. You can't get away with acting like that in July. Merry Friday?!! What? No. We don't do that. It's December...it's always been December, And give me back my lawnmower."
Is it because Christmas is a predetermined mind set? Is it because we are told that at THAT time we SHOULD feel this way and so THAT becomes what IS? It helps that Christmas is filled with this labelled support and focus and like minded people. Surrounded by Like Minded People... is that not one of the fundamental elements to Success? Success of any goal or idea or thought or feeling.... surround yourself with those that think like you.
When the setting is laid out for us, it is almost like Permission to be a part of the Joyful Atmosphere. It is Christmas, therefore I am Christmasy. We simply "role" into it.
So... who says we cannot adopt this wonderful emotional frame of mind...this expressed goodness and joy.... why cannot we adopt this and parallel it anytime. "Role" into it. Put aside the gifts and the main theme of Christ for the moment, as this is just plain and simply touching on the Spirit of the Holidays. Choosing to spread good Cheer...because we can and should.
Let John and Susan break into the Beach Boys at the office; because it is Christmas in July and summer beach songs would be the Carols of summer. In fact...I dare you to go summertime caroling. Go on, get some friends and knock on doors and break into song.
"Let's go surfing now, everybody's learning how. Come on and safari with me....come and safari with me."
Just think of it. The spirit of Christmas in July.
Just imagine the changes you could make with a simple phrase at this time of year.
That guy that just apologized for his bad manners in traffic..."Hey, it's okay. It's Christmas."
That new temp at the office that just shredded instead of copied your file..."Hey, it happens. Don't worry, it's Christmas." ( Watch the face on that one...it would be priceless.)
Or you, taking a moment to stop your busy life, and pick up the phone to catch up with friends and family and to wish them well ... because it is Christmas.
A predetermined mind set. Like minded people.
Invent it anytime you want to....don't wait for December, when today is right here.
Open a jar of Christmas on somebody.
Have a fantastic weekend, and a very Merry Christmas in July.
Pierre Couturier
Father, Husband, Author, Entrepreneur and Friend.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Awaken Your Day - July 14, A Shared Value
"Children have more need of models than of critics."
- Carolyn Coats
While being a new dad may afford me the opportunity to ramble on and on, day after day about the wonders of a child, and the newly discovered effects they have on all aspects of our lives ... I find I am intrigued to share with you first the parallels I am discovering between many of the comments and thoughts about children and life as an adult.
You see, I have tripped over a few things that appear to be common opinion when considering our children ... that really should be continually applied to our adult life.
Today's expression for a strong example.
When it comes to our children, or children in general, it is like an immediate understanding and acceptance that it is so important that they receive good influence, and guidance, and that we promote their little spirits in so many ways. They need time to be young, and cute, and silly and to learn and to see the world with wide eyes and dreams beyond dreams. We tell them they can be anything they want to be, and we preach to our friends that with our children, "things will be different than when I was a child."
When it comes to our kids, we expand our mind to capture awareness and ideas to offer them every opportunity to succeed and to find happiness in their youth, and their career paths and in picking good friends, and finding love, and ... and ....
And when did we stop opening the door to all of these wonderfully life altering thoughts for ourselves?
What is worthy of giving to our children, to bring out the best of the world for the best of them ... why do we not keep pursuing this for ourselves with as much focus to how important it is now as well?
Models and critics. One example.
Do you not need more of a mentor and role model, than you need people criticizing your work, your desires, your dreams? A rough day at the office can be like a rough report card day.
If we embrace what we demand for our children, and remember that the value of these thoughts and impressions on their little hearts and minds carries forward to be a value label on ours as well...
would we not continue to be a better role model in our more well embraced happiness?
Just like the same action allows them to be a more happy and adventurous little spirit...
Just a thought for a Tuesday...may it awaken something in you.
Good morning.
Pierre Couturier
Father, Husband, Author, Entrepreneur...and Friend.
- Carolyn Coats
While being a new dad may afford me the opportunity to ramble on and on, day after day about the wonders of a child, and the newly discovered effects they have on all aspects of our lives ... I find I am intrigued to share with you first the parallels I am discovering between many of the comments and thoughts about children and life as an adult.
You see, I have tripped over a few things that appear to be common opinion when considering our children ... that really should be continually applied to our adult life.
Today's expression for a strong example.
When it comes to our children, or children in general, it is like an immediate understanding and acceptance that it is so important that they receive good influence, and guidance, and that we promote their little spirits in so many ways. They need time to be young, and cute, and silly and to learn and to see the world with wide eyes and dreams beyond dreams. We tell them they can be anything they want to be, and we preach to our friends that with our children, "things will be different than when I was a child."
When it comes to our kids, we expand our mind to capture awareness and ideas to offer them every opportunity to succeed and to find happiness in their youth, and their career paths and in picking good friends, and finding love, and ... and ....
And when did we stop opening the door to all of these wonderfully life altering thoughts for ourselves?
What is worthy of giving to our children, to bring out the best of the world for the best of them ... why do we not keep pursuing this for ourselves with as much focus to how important it is now as well?
Models and critics. One example.
Do you not need more of a mentor and role model, than you need people criticizing your work, your desires, your dreams? A rough day at the office can be like a rough report card day.
If we embrace what we demand for our children, and remember that the value of these thoughts and impressions on their little hearts and minds carries forward to be a value label on ours as well...
would we not continue to be a better role model in our more well embraced happiness?
Just like the same action allows them to be a more happy and adventurous little spirit...
Just a thought for a Tuesday...may it awaken something in you.
Good morning.
Pierre Couturier
Father, Husband, Author, Entrepreneur...and Friend.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Awaken Your Day - July 9 - Better & Happier
"Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier."
- Mother Teresa, 1910-1997
Easier said than done?
Sometimes maybe.
But if you are finding your way, one step at a time, and you are becoming more and more whom you wish to be, one step at a time ... then really, all you have to do is be the best self you are trying to be, and those that meet you will leave better and happier for meeting you.
Idealistic thinking maybe. But I am allowed, and so are you.
It would be nice to know you are that person at work that brightens the day for those around you; even when they don't realize it until they see you.
It would be nice to know that a friend, in a time of need, thought that just speaking to you would maybe bring the peace they cannot find within.
It would be nice to know that people speak fondly of you when you are not around, and that the vote is unanimously in your favor.
It is always nice to know that you made a difference.
All of that, just by being the "You" you try to be. Your dedication to enhancing your day, shines in your actions...and from that others become better, and happier just being around you.
Thanks for sharing, now go out there and share your influence.
Good morning.
Pierre Couturier
Father, Husband, Author, Entrepreneur, and Friend.
- Mother Teresa, 1910-1997
Easier said than done?
Sometimes maybe.
But if you are finding your way, one step at a time, and you are becoming more and more whom you wish to be, one step at a time ... then really, all you have to do is be the best self you are trying to be, and those that meet you will leave better and happier for meeting you.
Idealistic thinking maybe. But I am allowed, and so are you.
It would be nice to know you are that person at work that brightens the day for those around you; even when they don't realize it until they see you.
It would be nice to know that a friend, in a time of need, thought that just speaking to you would maybe bring the peace they cannot find within.
It would be nice to know that people speak fondly of you when you are not around, and that the vote is unanimously in your favor.
It is always nice to know that you made a difference.
All of that, just by being the "You" you try to be. Your dedication to enhancing your day, shines in your actions...and from that others become better, and happier just being around you.
Thanks for sharing, now go out there and share your influence.
Good morning.
Pierre Couturier
Father, Husband, Author, Entrepreneur, and Friend.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Awaken Your Day - July 7 - Memory Lane Inspiration
Inspired living does not have to be complicated...nor does it require alot of study.
You just need to utilize the tools you have, to maintain an atmosphere of awareness and like minded thoughts. We cannot read or ingest every motivation book there is in order to learn all we can in a month and then lead this new life.
So use the tools you have...and you have many. For example...if you need a very simple break from today's stress or conflict and you need a grin... visit some music from your childhood.
I was born in 1970...so that means my teenage years were wrapped around the 80's. I can see your face now. I find myself this morning listening to the 80's rock station on satellite radio, and I can smile while I recall my youth and the moments that shaped so much of my life.
I choose to remember a time with each song that comes on and the kaleidoscope of memories that come with it.
The long hair, the dances, the air bands, the wild and crazy dreams of fame with guitars and dancing. How we were more carefree and silly and passionate about things.
I turn on some music of yesterday, and yesterday reminds me of how much fun it was. And now I look out the window onto a fresh and rainy morning with a smile.
Nothing says I cannot do a little air guitar on my way to the fridge, or sing a little Bon Jovi in the shower ... or make my wife crazy as I sweep the long gone long hair off my shoulders.
Now if only I could find that memory box with those spandex pants ...
Awaken the color of your day... with the help of a black and white moment of yesterday.
And inspiration can truly be...that easy.
Good morning and good day.
Pierre Couturier
Father, Husband, Author, Entrepreneur, Friend...and Tuesday lip sync champion.
You just need to utilize the tools you have, to maintain an atmosphere of awareness and like minded thoughts. We cannot read or ingest every motivation book there is in order to learn all we can in a month and then lead this new life.
So use the tools you have...and you have many. For example...if you need a very simple break from today's stress or conflict and you need a grin... visit some music from your childhood.
I was born in 1970...so that means my teenage years were wrapped around the 80's. I can see your face now. I find myself this morning listening to the 80's rock station on satellite radio, and I can smile while I recall my youth and the moments that shaped so much of my life.
I choose to remember a time with each song that comes on and the kaleidoscope of memories that come with it.
The long hair, the dances, the air bands, the wild and crazy dreams of fame with guitars and dancing. How we were more carefree and silly and passionate about things.
I turn on some music of yesterday, and yesterday reminds me of how much fun it was. And now I look out the window onto a fresh and rainy morning with a smile.
Nothing says I cannot do a little air guitar on my way to the fridge, or sing a little Bon Jovi in the shower ... or make my wife crazy as I sweep the long gone long hair off my shoulders.
Now if only I could find that memory box with those spandex pants ...
Awaken the color of your day... with the help of a black and white moment of yesterday.
And inspiration can truly be...that easy.
Good morning and good day.
Pierre Couturier
Father, Husband, Author, Entrepreneur, Friend...and Tuesday lip sync champion.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Awaken Your Day - July 6 Opportunity Monday
"For every minute you are angry, you lose sixty seconds of happiness."
- Author Unknown
For many of us, sixty seconds of anger carries over...and over...and over. We relive it by hanging on to it.
In this case another philosophy comes directly into play - that it is not what happens but How we respond to what happens, that will dictate so very much more.
Opportunity Monday says that you have the opportunity today to not lose even 60 seconds to anger. You are aware that those seconds count for better feelings and with that, you can take the lead on anything that comes at you.
Good morning, and may your balance scale tip greatly over to your Happiness column.
Pierre Couturier
Father, Husband, Author, Entrepreneur, and Friend
- Author Unknown
For many of us, sixty seconds of anger carries over...and over...and over. We relive it by hanging on to it.
In this case another philosophy comes directly into play - that it is not what happens but How we respond to what happens, that will dictate so very much more.
Opportunity Monday says that you have the opportunity today to not lose even 60 seconds to anger. You are aware that those seconds count for better feelings and with that, you can take the lead on anything that comes at you.
Good morning, and may your balance scale tip greatly over to your Happiness column.
Pierre Couturier
Father, Husband, Author, Entrepreneur, and Friend
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Awaken Your Day - July 2 - Clean Canvas
"You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where you thoughts take you."
- James Lane Allen
Did you wake up this morning, right where your emotions left off yesterday?
Were you upset over something ... and now you are freshly upset on this new day?
Or...were you able to put away all the incomplete tasks, and any negative emotions that you may have had? Tuck them in as you would a child...and wish them sweet dreams?
Should a day take us down a path that is not our favourite, we need to work on our awareness of the thoughts and feelings we have and ensure that we do not carry them with us into those moments that are supposed to be peaceful and healthy for us. Much like you should never go to bed angry with your spouse, with an arguement unresolved, so should you avoid going to bed with ill tasting thoughts or feelings within you that will decide for you where your day will start. Would you rather be in control of your day from the first moment ... breathe deep and enjoy the peaceful slumber you just rewarded yourself with...or would you like to wake up with a fresh ray of sunshine packaging up a fresh layer of discontent from the day gone by.
It is not just our thoughts about our success and our dreams that decide where they will be for tomorrow's starting line up, it is also just our day to day thoughts and emotions that we need to be aware of. Our daily thoughts, if not managed, can be the distractions that keep our dreams and goals stuttering for progress each and every day.
How you manage your thoughts today - can give you a clean canvas to work with tomorrow.
Good Morning
Pierre Couturier
Father, Husband, Author, Entrepreneur and Friend.
- James Lane Allen
Did you wake up this morning, right where your emotions left off yesterday?
Were you upset over something ... and now you are freshly upset on this new day?
Or...were you able to put away all the incomplete tasks, and any negative emotions that you may have had? Tuck them in as you would a child...and wish them sweet dreams?
Should a day take us down a path that is not our favourite, we need to work on our awareness of the thoughts and feelings we have and ensure that we do not carry them with us into those moments that are supposed to be peaceful and healthy for us. Much like you should never go to bed angry with your spouse, with an arguement unresolved, so should you avoid going to bed with ill tasting thoughts or feelings within you that will decide for you where your day will start. Would you rather be in control of your day from the first moment ... breathe deep and enjoy the peaceful slumber you just rewarded yourself with...or would you like to wake up with a fresh ray of sunshine packaging up a fresh layer of discontent from the day gone by.
It is not just our thoughts about our success and our dreams that decide where they will be for tomorrow's starting line up, it is also just our day to day thoughts and emotions that we need to be aware of. Our daily thoughts, if not managed, can be the distractions that keep our dreams and goals stuttering for progress each and every day.
How you manage your thoughts today - can give you a clean canvas to work with tomorrow.
Good Morning
Pierre Couturier
Father, Husband, Author, Entrepreneur and Friend.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Awaken Your Day - June 30 - Great Stories.
"He can make me love something just by showing me the energy with which he loves it."
- Heather Armstrong,
Do you know someone who is a great story teller? They draw you right in with their voice, their face, their animation and excitement. Maybe their humor at just the right time.
Do you know someone who is really good at telling jokes? They have really good delivery, and build up and then Surprise, the punchline ... and just the way they told it, made it funnier than the last time you heard it.
Both of those people boost your energy when you think of it don't they? They tell it well, and they tell it with a little zest. You could say they include the element of emotion. Like maybe....passion.
Okay, now that you have the idea ... do you know anyone who has tried to tell you their dream? Their desire? Their passion? Tried to tell you about something they felt was exciting.
Did you listen? Did anyone listen to you when you tried to share.... and yes, I said "share", when you tried to share your dream, desire or passion? Have you ever gotten excited about something and told your closest family or friends all about it? You told them your....story.
Someone telling you about their dream for their life ... their goal, their idea for happiness...is that not a nominee for a Good Story Teller? Is that not a story worth listening too? Isn't yours, worth being listened too?
So often we don't. So often we find a reason to be discouraging or negative. If not to the person at the time, then certainly once they have left the room. And often...we even do it to ourselves.
Often it sounds "far fetched" and we think..."Yeah, Right!"...and we slowly turn down the dial on their excitement and we do not hear the passion in their voice. We do not notice the look in their eyes. We do not support their wonderful story. Because....we cannot see IT. We cannot see IT working, or THEM making it happen.
Who are we to rain on someone's parade? Who are we to say if Their dream is good or not? Who are we to not listen to such an exciting story, when it is delivered with such energy and happiness?
Who are those people to not listen to your passion?
Tuesday morning challenge.
Ask yourself ... "What do I dream about?"
Ask a toddler ... "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
Ask someone close to you ... "So, what are doing these days? What would make you happy?"
Ask a friend..."Tell me something you dream about."
If you hear this answer from anyone above .... "No, I don't want to say. You'll just laught at me," remember, they are afraid that you really will.
I challenge you to ask the questions....from the heart, and then LISTEN to the answers.
Listen to the smile.
Listen to the energy.
Listen to the story.
There are tremendous stories in your life...yours, and those of others.
Stories, just wanting to be told....and heard. Energy waiting to be adopted by you.
Good morning, and share that wonderful energy.
Pierre Couturier
( If you wish to send a comment, please just click the little "comment" icon below.)
Father, Husband, Author, Entrepreneur, and Friend.
- Heather Armstrong,
Do you know someone who is a great story teller? They draw you right in with their voice, their face, their animation and excitement. Maybe their humor at just the right time.
Do you know someone who is really good at telling jokes? They have really good delivery, and build up and then Surprise, the punchline ... and just the way they told it, made it funnier than the last time you heard it.
Both of those people boost your energy when you think of it don't they? They tell it well, and they tell it with a little zest. You could say they include the element of emotion. Like maybe....passion.
Okay, now that you have the idea ... do you know anyone who has tried to tell you their dream? Their desire? Their passion? Tried to tell you about something they felt was exciting.
Did you listen? Did anyone listen to you when you tried to share.... and yes, I said "share", when you tried to share your dream, desire or passion? Have you ever gotten excited about something and told your closest family or friends all about it? You told them your....story.
Someone telling you about their dream for their life ... their goal, their idea for happiness...is that not a nominee for a Good Story Teller? Is that not a story worth listening too? Isn't yours, worth being listened too?
So often we don't. So often we find a reason to be discouraging or negative. If not to the person at the time, then certainly once they have left the room. And often...we even do it to ourselves.
Often it sounds "far fetched" and we think..."Yeah, Right!"...and we slowly turn down the dial on their excitement and we do not hear the passion in their voice. We do not notice the look in their eyes. We do not support their wonderful story. Because....we cannot see IT. We cannot see IT working, or THEM making it happen.
Who are we to rain on someone's parade? Who are we to say if Their dream is good or not? Who are we to not listen to such an exciting story, when it is delivered with such energy and happiness?
Who are those people to not listen to your passion?
Tuesday morning challenge.
Ask yourself ... "What do I dream about?"
Ask a toddler ... "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
Ask someone close to you ... "So, what are doing these days? What would make you happy?"
Ask a friend..."Tell me something you dream about."
If you hear this answer from anyone above .... "No, I don't want to say. You'll just laught at me," remember, they are afraid that you really will.
I challenge you to ask the questions....from the heart, and then LISTEN to the answers.
Listen to the smile.
Listen to the energy.
Listen to the story.
There are tremendous stories in your life...yours, and those of others.
Stories, just wanting to be told....and heard. Energy waiting to be adopted by you.
Good morning, and share that wonderful energy.
Pierre Couturier
( If you wish to send a comment, please just click the little "comment" icon below.)
Father, Husband, Author, Entrepreneur, and Friend.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Awaken Your Day - June 25 - Happiness is...
"Remember, happiness doesn't depend on who you are or what you have; it depends solely on what you think."
- Dale Carnegie
I like comments like this one today...because with a few simple words, they allow you to take off on an adventure of your own thoughts; exploring and revisiting things that You feel and maybe if we are lucky, you will stop along the way with thoughts of what you think happiness is....and maybe the picture will get a little clearer among the clouds we often choose to fly in.
Good morning.
Pierre Couturier
Father, Husband, Author, Entrepreneur, and Friend.
- Dale Carnegie
I like comments like this one today...because with a few simple words, they allow you to take off on an adventure of your own thoughts; exploring and revisiting things that You feel and maybe if we are lucky, you will stop along the way with thoughts of what you think happiness is....and maybe the picture will get a little clearer among the clouds we often choose to fly in.
Good morning.
Pierre Couturier
Father, Husband, Author, Entrepreneur, and Friend.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Awaken Your Day - June 24 - Your Next Move

"I found that people who are always worried about the next move in the chess game of their life never quite get at that move."
- Jerry Porras, Author
You open your eyes to find the morning has come. You are already burdened with the strategy of the day to come.
"If I do this, the world might do this, and if I do that...well, who knows what I may be setting myself up for?"
You could be forgetting that this is supposed to be fun.
Make the move.
You need to play, if you ever expect to learn how to win.
Good day to you.
Pierre Couturier
Father, Husband, Author, Entrepreneur and Friend
Monday, June 22, 2009
Awaken Your Day - June 22 - Enjoy your Riches
"I don't care how poor a man is; if he has family he's rich."
- Colonel Potter, M*A*S*H
I smiled at my son this morning.
As he gifted me with his innocent offering in return, upon recognizing his daddy, I felt the greatness of this day begin right then. Like pulling on your pants and discovering you have a pocket full of gold.
Happy Father's Day to you all for yesterday. For those of you that had it for the first time, like me, I hope you enjoy that first time feeling every year. For those of you that are veterans of this Day I hope you were able to find some time to reflect on your achievments with your children and their growth over the years. Memories are so good for the heart. And our children are so good at showing us our successes.
By Colonel Potter's standards, I am a very wealthy man.
One could say I am rich beyond my dreams with just mywife and son and the spirit of our daughter. But then you add in the value of my family and the bonds we share today and I gain more height on the wealth measuring stick. And then, on the verge of being labelled greedy, you pour in all the wealth that comes from our closeness with Sandra's family and I feel as though I am number one on Forbes list.
We often talk about Opportunity Monday...and I often try to show us all how much there is just waiting for us to appreciate right here and now so that we do not let the negative reputation of a moment of the week begin to chart our value at hand.
This morning, may I keep it a bit more simple?
Opportunity Monday asks you to frolic in your wealth of the people close to you. Friends can offer you as much wealth as family. Play in the moment. Smother yourself in the riches of thoughts of friends and family that pay off any bad debt that today charges before you.
I think of each face that has touched our lives in even the last few days.
I have a smile in my wallet that my son has given me, and a hug from Sandra to go with it is pressed onto the shirt I wear. My allowance for the day you might say.
And I begin another Monday, as a very wealthy man.
Good morning, and may you enjoy your riches.
Pierre Couturier
Father, Husband, Author, Entrepreneur and Friend.
- Colonel Potter, M*A*S*H
I smiled at my son this morning.
As he gifted me with his innocent offering in return, upon recognizing his daddy, I felt the greatness of this day begin right then. Like pulling on your pants and discovering you have a pocket full of gold.
Happy Father's Day to you all for yesterday. For those of you that had it for the first time, like me, I hope you enjoy that first time feeling every year. For those of you that are veterans of this Day I hope you were able to find some time to reflect on your achievments with your children and their growth over the years. Memories are so good for the heart. And our children are so good at showing us our successes.
By Colonel Potter's standards, I am a very wealthy man.
One could say I am rich beyond my dreams with just mywife and son and the spirit of our daughter. But then you add in the value of my family and the bonds we share today and I gain more height on the wealth measuring stick. And then, on the verge of being labelled greedy, you pour in all the wealth that comes from our closeness with Sandra's family and I feel as though I am number one on Forbes list.
We often talk about Opportunity Monday...and I often try to show us all how much there is just waiting for us to appreciate right here and now so that we do not let the negative reputation of a moment of the week begin to chart our value at hand.
This morning, may I keep it a bit more simple?
Opportunity Monday asks you to frolic in your wealth of the people close to you. Friends can offer you as much wealth as family. Play in the moment. Smother yourself in the riches of thoughts of friends and family that pay off any bad debt that today charges before you.
I think of each face that has touched our lives in even the last few days.
I have a smile in my wallet that my son has given me, and a hug from Sandra to go with it is pressed onto the shirt I wear. My allowance for the day you might say.
And I begin another Monday, as a very wealthy man.
Good morning, and may you enjoy your riches.
Pierre Couturier
Father, Husband, Author, Entrepreneur and Friend.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Awaken Your Day - June 16 - Rain in the Morning
Something about the smell of rain in the morning.
That light rain, you know, that just sort of came just for you.
You vaguely recall hearing the soft sounds as it came down and you were still sleeping.
There was nothing urgent about it. Just as if the clouds gently tilted a watering can and the fresh water evenly encourages new growth ... of your day.
I find when I wake up and the window beside me is open just enough for that fresh breeze, and I get the first scent of rain just before I open my eyes ... I too am without urgency. Somehow with this one little element making it's way into my world, I instinctively take deeper breaths. My muscles do not ache. I feel less tired.
I will admit, I also feel a little less like going to work and more like snuggling but that is something I cannot recommend to you ... you can make that choice on your own.
But it makes me wonder. How can I get this feeling each and every morning, especially when it has not just graced me with the scent of refreshing and comforting rain?
Simply by choice. I can choose to Awaken in the morning, and begin my day knowing how much comfort I will provide myself by simply choosing to hold the moment. I will breathe deeply and savor it. I will breathe like this again and think of rain and other comforting thoughts. I will smell the rain from memory, but feel it's effect physically.
The mornings ask only that you appreciate them and take the gifts they offer.
We simply need to recognize what those gifts are ... and if I may say, they are plentyfull.
This morning the air is refreshed, as is the day from the aroma of a gentle summer rain.
I think I have time to enjoy it.
Good Morning
Pierre Couturier
Father, Husband, Author, Entrepreneur...and friend.
That light rain, you know, that just sort of came just for you.
You vaguely recall hearing the soft sounds as it came down and you were still sleeping.
There was nothing urgent about it. Just as if the clouds gently tilted a watering can and the fresh water evenly encourages new growth ... of your day.
I find when I wake up and the window beside me is open just enough for that fresh breeze, and I get the first scent of rain just before I open my eyes ... I too am without urgency. Somehow with this one little element making it's way into my world, I instinctively take deeper breaths. My muscles do not ache. I feel less tired.
I will admit, I also feel a little less like going to work and more like snuggling but that is something I cannot recommend to you ... you can make that choice on your own.
But it makes me wonder. How can I get this feeling each and every morning, especially when it has not just graced me with the scent of refreshing and comforting rain?
Simply by choice. I can choose to Awaken in the morning, and begin my day knowing how much comfort I will provide myself by simply choosing to hold the moment. I will breathe deeply and savor it. I will breathe like this again and think of rain and other comforting thoughts. I will smell the rain from memory, but feel it's effect physically.
The mornings ask only that you appreciate them and take the gifts they offer.
We simply need to recognize what those gifts are ... and if I may say, they are plentyfull.
This morning the air is refreshed, as is the day from the aroma of a gentle summer rain.
I think I have time to enjoy it.
Good Morning
Pierre Couturier
Father, Husband, Author, Entrepreneur...and friend.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Awaken Your Day - June 12 - Go With A Smile
Many are thinking .... TGIF.
So, in the words of the Jack as the Joker...
"Go, go, go, go...go with a smile."
"Some mornings it just doesn't seem worth it to gnaw through the leather straps."
- Emo Phillips
"You know, I'm sick of following my dreams, man. I'm just going to ask where they're going and hook up with 'em later."
- Mitch Hedburg
"The brain is a wonderful organ; it starts working the moment you get up in the morning, and does not stop until you get into the office."
- Robert Frost
"I've got all the money I'll ever need, if I die by four o'clock."
- Henny Youngman
"Adults are always asking kids what they want to be when they grow up because they are looking for ideas."
- Paula Poundstone
Enjoy your Friday and your weekend...
Pierre Couturier
Father, Husband, Author, Entrepreneur and Friend
So, in the words of the Jack as the Joker...
"Go, go, go, go...go with a smile."
"Some mornings it just doesn't seem worth it to gnaw through the leather straps."
- Emo Phillips
"You know, I'm sick of following my dreams, man. I'm just going to ask where they're going and hook up with 'em later."
- Mitch Hedburg
"The brain is a wonderful organ; it starts working the moment you get up in the morning, and does not stop until you get into the office."
- Robert Frost
"I've got all the money I'll ever need, if I die by four o'clock."
- Henny Youngman
"Adults are always asking kids what they want to be when they grow up because they are looking for ideas."
- Paula Poundstone
Enjoy your Friday and your weekend...
Pierre Couturier
Father, Husband, Author, Entrepreneur and Friend
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Awaken Your Day - June 11 - Courageous Decisions

"In every success story, you find someone who has made a courageous decision."
- Peter F. Drucker, Author
Often we hear a comment about "Success Story" and our minds attach a heavy backpack to the idea of the journey one must have taken to be a Success. And subliminally, we remove ourselves from the Effort.
And if we hear, "Courageous Decision", it is like we subliminally just added 4 more imaginary heavy stones of what that must mean to our burden; thus making it that much more impossible for us to move ahead on the path of Success.
Sadly we forget one detail about Successful Stories that may make our internal imaginary burdens feel so much lighter ... that being that millions of people have gone before us and not only found, but reached and touched that hidden spot on the map of life.
Therefore.... IT CAN BE DONE. The idea is not impossible and the decisions can be made.
What is more unfortunate however, more draining while we speculate the idea of what Courageous Decision must mean;
while we worry that our Success Story automatically means Sacrifice, and Discomfort and Hard Times Ahead ....
... more unfortunate is that the real truth is missed.
So very often the Most Courageous Decision looks very much the same for all of us, and it looks a little something like this ...
"Yes. Yes I can."
A good morning, is a Success Story.
Good morning to you,
Pierre Couturier
Father, Husband, Author, Entrepreneur, and Friend.
- Peter F. Drucker, Author
Often we hear a comment about "Success Story" and our minds attach a heavy backpack to the idea of the journey one must have taken to be a Success. And subliminally, we remove ourselves from the Effort.
And if we hear, "Courageous Decision", it is like we subliminally just added 4 more imaginary heavy stones of what that must mean to our burden; thus making it that much more impossible for us to move ahead on the path of Success.
Sadly we forget one detail about Successful Stories that may make our internal imaginary burdens feel so much lighter ... that being that millions of people have gone before us and not only found, but reached and touched that hidden spot on the map of life.
Therefore.... IT CAN BE DONE. The idea is not impossible and the decisions can be made.
What is more unfortunate however, more draining while we speculate the idea of what Courageous Decision must mean;
while we worry that our Success Story automatically means Sacrifice, and Discomfort and Hard Times Ahead ....
... more unfortunate is that the real truth is missed.
So very often the Most Courageous Decision looks very much the same for all of us, and it looks a little something like this ...
"Yes. Yes I can."
A good morning, is a Success Story.
Good morning to you,
Pierre Couturier
Father, Husband, Author, Entrepreneur, and Friend.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Awaken Your Day - June 10 - Loose Ends
"How does a project get to be a year behind schedule? One day at a time."
- Fred Brooks
It surprises you. How fast time goes by.
Yesterday we returned some DVD's to a friend ... almost a year after he lent them to us.
We bought a little bench for our entry way ... that we have thought of since we moved in.
Last month I went thru my old filing cabinet and was surprised to see a full bag of unneeded papers for recycling when I was done. And I finally loaded up those 9 boxes of old "I better keep this just in case" stuff and gave it all to Goodwill.
Look around you. I am sure that you, like I, have a few nagging little things that you meant to do, or possibly have started .... sometime ago.... and here they sit now unfinished.
Tie up some loose end. Or if you are ambitious, a few loose ends from your yesterdays.
Clean up some of your mind clutter.
You will feel better. And may I suggest you try to do it before the weekend. So on your days off you will feel a little less distracted.
Have a great day.
Pierre Couturier
Father, Husband, Author, Entrepreneur, and Friend.
- Fred Brooks
It surprises you. How fast time goes by.
Yesterday we returned some DVD's to a friend ... almost a year after he lent them to us.
We bought a little bench for our entry way ... that we have thought of since we moved in.
Last month I went thru my old filing cabinet and was surprised to see a full bag of unneeded papers for recycling when I was done. And I finally loaded up those 9 boxes of old "I better keep this just in case" stuff and gave it all to Goodwill.
Look around you. I am sure that you, like I, have a few nagging little things that you meant to do, or possibly have started .... sometime ago.... and here they sit now unfinished.
Tie up some loose end. Or if you are ambitious, a few loose ends from your yesterdays.
Clean up some of your mind clutter.
You will feel better. And may I suggest you try to do it before the weekend. So on your days off you will feel a little less distracted.
Have a great day.
Pierre Couturier
Father, Husband, Author, Entrepreneur, and Friend.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Awaken Your Day - June 9 Finding Value
"Valuable relationships are like home-grown tomatoes. You can't shop for 'em, you've got to grow 'em yourself."
- Rev Baker
We have to give the good of ourselves to attract to us the good of others.
Turning the other cheek does not always mean with the same person who has done you wrong, it often means turning your cheek to a negative environment and not giving up hope or faith that things will be getting better.
If you can continue to be yourself, and put out there all the qualities that are you, you are like the gardener continually planting seeds. Valuable relationships will grow.
But I ask of you to do what you can to avoid adopting trend for the sake of an easy road. Be it a negative trend of gossip, or being fake so as to gain acceptance.
Truly valuable relationships, those to come and those that exist around you now, begin with the planting of your personality into the lives of others. The best of you, shines a light on hidden bests of them, and they slowly expose themselves until you get to share what they have as well.
There is great value all around you. Take time to water those relationships that have shown promise, and then sit back and watch them flourish. Your peace will thank you for it.
I wish for you, a wonderful day.
Good Morning.
Pierre Couturier
Father, Husband, Author and Entrepreneur
- Rev Baker
We have to give the good of ourselves to attract to us the good of others.
Turning the other cheek does not always mean with the same person who has done you wrong, it often means turning your cheek to a negative environment and not giving up hope or faith that things will be getting better.
If you can continue to be yourself, and put out there all the qualities that are you, you are like the gardener continually planting seeds. Valuable relationships will grow.
But I ask of you to do what you can to avoid adopting trend for the sake of an easy road. Be it a negative trend of gossip, or being fake so as to gain acceptance.
Truly valuable relationships, those to come and those that exist around you now, begin with the planting of your personality into the lives of others. The best of you, shines a light on hidden bests of them, and they slowly expose themselves until you get to share what they have as well.
There is great value all around you. Take time to water those relationships that have shown promise, and then sit back and watch them flourish. Your peace will thank you for it.
I wish for you, a wonderful day.
Good Morning.
Pierre Couturier
Father, Husband, Author and Entrepreneur
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Awaken Your Day - June 8 - Contribution
"What will be my contribution to this day?"
I only ask that you ask yourself this question now, or early in the day.
And when you do, then simply follow the trail of assorted connector thoughts that will come to you. If the trail gets cold, then ask yourself one more question...
"Do I know what I contribute, each and every day, and to what and whom?"
Your contribution today matters. It makes a difference. Before you do anything else, understand that without a doubt.
Sometimes, to find that goodness for ourselves, we just need to kickstart our thoughts with a basic question.
We are very often giving of ourselves and our qualities, and we do not even know it.
Good morning, and thank you for your contribution to my day.
Pierre Couturier
Father, Husband, Author and Entrepreneur
I only ask that you ask yourself this question now, or early in the day.
And when you do, then simply follow the trail of assorted connector thoughts that will come to you. If the trail gets cold, then ask yourself one more question...
"Do I know what I contribute, each and every day, and to what and whom?"
Your contribution today matters. It makes a difference. Before you do anything else, understand that without a doubt.
Sometimes, to find that goodness for ourselves, we just need to kickstart our thoughts with a basic question.
We are very often giving of ourselves and our qualities, and we do not even know it.
Good morning, and thank you for your contribution to my day.
Pierre Couturier
Father, Husband, Author and Entrepreneur
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Awaken Your Day - June 3 - Game On
Would you like to play a game?
The idea is very simple. And it will be even better if you don't feel like it. Better still if you are having a difficult start to your day. Let's for now call it distraction with intent.
As you go thru your day, stressed or not, and you come across people...the first part is to look for those people that are smiling as they pass by. This is important. Just the smilers. We play a different game with those non smilers later.
Now, is the smile on the lips only?
Are their eyes smiling too?
Are they off in space?
How deep does it go? Can you tell?
And the game begins.
What are they smiling about?
You get to create an idea in your mind based on what you see in a quick first impression...as to just what they may be smiling about.
You get to be creative, simple, silly and even far reaching. You only have a few seconds as they come close and then they go by so you must think on your feet. You can carry your thought thru long after they are gone if you wish, and in fact.... I encourage it. But you have to come up with a reason for that smile quickly at first.
I used to wonder as a kid when we would travel and you would see people in other cars you pass...I would wonder, what would it be like to be you for 5 minutes... just to find out what put that smile on your face. Or what made that person bounce and dance in the driver seat with so much silly abandon...my first exposure to "Dance like no one is watching." And I would think..."can I have some of that?"
So...do you want to play?
The smile could be anything really. A good cup of coffee. Feeling awake. A good meeting. A thought of a child or loved one at home. Holidays coming soon. Just a good energy. A shared brightness. Maybe no reason at all.
I ask you to think of what makes another person smile. Create it quickly.
Part two. Do you find yourself relating to any of the reasons you may have found? Do you share any reasons or did you touch on a personal thought as you explored the possibilities for someone else's happiness? Did your thought of THEIR reason suddenly go to your own?
You win this game...if you can come up with enough thoughts that put a smile on YOUR face.
You see...the idea is to become a smile that everyone else is examining too.
Did you think you were the only one playing?
If I have things my way,
We will all be players in the game of -
"Would you like to guess a happy thought?"
And please...if you don't feel like playing,don't trip another player that is off in the clouds creating thoughts for someone else...
Good morning and welcome to a great day.
Pierre Couturier
Father, Husband, Author and Entrepreneur
The idea is very simple. And it will be even better if you don't feel like it. Better still if you are having a difficult start to your day. Let's for now call it distraction with intent.
As you go thru your day, stressed or not, and you come across people...the first part is to look for those people that are smiling as they pass by. This is important. Just the smilers. We play a different game with those non smilers later.
Now, is the smile on the lips only?
Are their eyes smiling too?
Are they off in space?
How deep does it go? Can you tell?
And the game begins.
What are they smiling about?
You get to create an idea in your mind based on what you see in a quick first impression...as to just what they may be smiling about.
You get to be creative, simple, silly and even far reaching. You only have a few seconds as they come close and then they go by so you must think on your feet. You can carry your thought thru long after they are gone if you wish, and in fact.... I encourage it. But you have to come up with a reason for that smile quickly at first.
I used to wonder as a kid when we would travel and you would see people in other cars you pass...I would wonder, what would it be like to be you for 5 minutes... just to find out what put that smile on your face. Or what made that person bounce and dance in the driver seat with so much silly abandon...my first exposure to "Dance like no one is watching." And I would think..."can I have some of that?"
So...do you want to play?
The smile could be anything really. A good cup of coffee. Feeling awake. A good meeting. A thought of a child or loved one at home. Holidays coming soon. Just a good energy. A shared brightness. Maybe no reason at all.
I ask you to think of what makes another person smile. Create it quickly.
Part two. Do you find yourself relating to any of the reasons you may have found? Do you share any reasons or did you touch on a personal thought as you explored the possibilities for someone else's happiness? Did your thought of THEIR reason suddenly go to your own?
You win this game...if you can come up with enough thoughts that put a smile on YOUR face.
You see...the idea is to become a smile that everyone else is examining too.
Did you think you were the only one playing?
If I have things my way,
We will all be players in the game of -
"Would you like to guess a happy thought?"
And please...if you don't feel like playing,don't trip another player that is off in the clouds creating thoughts for someone else...
Good morning and welcome to a great day.
Pierre Couturier
Father, Husband, Author and Entrepreneur
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Awaken Your Day - June 2 - Going Crazy, Wanna come?

"Sometimes the appropriate response to reality is to go insane."
- Phillip K. Dick
Have you ever done something that was not like you?
Have you ever heard of someone referred to like, "Oh, he is just so crazy!"?
Ever done anything spontaneous?
Have you ever been really passionate about something, like a new relationship, that you just did things a little more loopy than usual?
Insane is a just a descriptive word to describe doing something necessary to bust out of the routine of our created reality. At least, that is what "insane" means here...today.
Insane is a descriptive state of mind for the passion we grab hold of and chase to bust loose of the flatline pattern we find when we sit and daydream about the
What If's....
and the
Gee, it could have been so...
and mostly the ...
I wish I could...
It is the start of the week, and ahead of you may lie some of the same old same old. But also ahead of you is the majority of the time in the week to spice it up...to change it...to maybe go a little insane.
Make an effort to kick the day off with a little more energy, and then share that energy with others. Infect them with your smile, or your wit. Become passionate about your day by redirecting the energy from "reality" to something more.
What are you passionate about in your life? Now...like a successful business person, speak it, love it, live it. And put that energy into your everyday functions.
Be the one they speak fondly of and smile when you are not around as they then share that detail about you...
"Oh Yeah!! He is so crazy!"
Good morning, you nuts.
Pierre Couturier
Father, Author, Entrepreneur
- Phillip K. Dick
Have you ever done something that was not like you?
Have you ever heard of someone referred to like, "Oh, he is just so crazy!"?
Ever done anything spontaneous?
Have you ever been really passionate about something, like a new relationship, that you just did things a little more loopy than usual?
Insane is a just a descriptive word to describe doing something necessary to bust out of the routine of our created reality. At least, that is what "insane" means here...today.
Insane is a descriptive state of mind for the passion we grab hold of and chase to bust loose of the flatline pattern we find when we sit and daydream about the
What If's....
and the
Gee, it could have been so...
and mostly the ...
I wish I could...
It is the start of the week, and ahead of you may lie some of the same old same old. But also ahead of you is the majority of the time in the week to spice it up...to change it...to maybe go a little insane.
Make an effort to kick the day off with a little more energy, and then share that energy with others. Infect them with your smile, or your wit. Become passionate about your day by redirecting the energy from "reality" to something more.
What are you passionate about in your life? Now...like a successful business person, speak it, love it, live it. And put that energy into your everyday functions.
Be the one they speak fondly of and smile when you are not around as they then share that detail about you...
"Oh Yeah!! He is so crazy!"
Good morning, you nuts.
Pierre Couturier
Father, Author, Entrepreneur
Monday, June 1, 2009
Awaken Your Day - June 1, 2009
Short and Sweet and to the point this morning.
Opportunity Monday.
You have not heard that expression for a few months from us here.
So what happens when you hear something you have not in a long time. You remember your connection to it from somewhere in the past. Memories and maybe emotions of a moment gone by get rekindled...you relive, you revisit something.
Opportunity Monday.
What will you pick up today, now that you remember what this day can do for you right now, and for the rest of your week?
You should write to us here and share your best Opportunity Monday story.
Good morning, and who is that knocking at the door?
Pierre Couturier
Father, Author, and Entrepreneur
Opportunity Monday.
You have not heard that expression for a few months from us here.
So what happens when you hear something you have not in a long time. You remember your connection to it from somewhere in the past. Memories and maybe emotions of a moment gone by get rekindled...you relive, you revisit something.
Opportunity Monday.
What will you pick up today, now that you remember what this day can do for you right now, and for the rest of your week?
You should write to us here and share your best Opportunity Monday story.
Good morning, and who is that knocking at the door?
Pierre Couturier
Father, Author, and Entrepreneur
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Awaken Your Day - May 28, In Youth We Trust
I answer the door to a beaming young man, excited to include my wife and I in his celebration.
"Come see my new car!" The day before graduation, and he is awarded with a gift any young man would be thrilled for.
"D" is our our neighbor's son. He is also our friend. He is also one of the most respectful young men you will ever meet. His parents should be very proud. We are just the neighbors ... friends of he and his parents... and yet, we are very proud of him.
As I search out my own inner leadership, and I begin to study great Leaders, I see before me in this young man, a Leader among men. He is bright and respectful; athletic and hard working; he is funny and admired, and he has values. He is the kind of young man you include in the conversation. Partially because he laughs at my jokes, but also because he offers his own stories of life as it is today ... and I find I enjoy listening. He is the kind of young man we boast about when other's complain about the young minds that will take over some day.
This young man graduates high school today. Taking a strong first of many great steps forward into manhood. With the great support he has around him and guiding him, along with the respect he commands just from being himself, we think he is going to be just fine. More than fine. He is a strong threat to lead by example.
I notice his life a little more maybe, because I now have my own son to watch over on his journey from babe, to toddler, to child, and teen.... and there are moments when the heart skips a beat and panic sets in. Fear of the unknown you may say. Will I make the right choices so that my son will know how to make his own when he needs to?
As I look at this young man taking this next step, along with his friends who would inspire you as well in their own ways, I constantly think of our boy. With all of my worries about this world, with all that we fear will influence our youth negatively and push them down the wrong road - I look at this young adult who is about to step up to a different starting line... ( I look up as he is a big lad ) and I see a Role Model for his time. To me this young man is Hope.
And, in a way, we get to share in his Celebrations. We have been cheering him on for a few years now; as neighbors and friends. But also as admirers of an inspiring "kid" that we enjoy knowing. I borrow some joy from his achievements, and I learn a little about how to give my son the best opportunity to become a stand out young man, deserving of other people's respect and support. Congratulations to his parents as well on a job well done.
Perhaps you know of someone who makes your worried anticipation of tomorrow just a little less worried because you know they are going to be there ... Leading by example.
Celebrate this someone ... and share it with them.
Have a great day "D" ... and thanks for making this worried father a little calmer and a stronger believer.
Good Morning.
Pierre Couturier
Father, Author, and Entrepreneur
"Come see my new car!" The day before graduation, and he is awarded with a gift any young man would be thrilled for.
"D" is our our neighbor's son. He is also our friend. He is also one of the most respectful young men you will ever meet. His parents should be very proud. We are just the neighbors ... friends of he and his parents... and yet, we are very proud of him.
As I search out my own inner leadership, and I begin to study great Leaders, I see before me in this young man, a Leader among men. He is bright and respectful; athletic and hard working; he is funny and admired, and he has values. He is the kind of young man you include in the conversation. Partially because he laughs at my jokes, but also because he offers his own stories of life as it is today ... and I find I enjoy listening. He is the kind of young man we boast about when other's complain about the young minds that will take over some day.
This young man graduates high school today. Taking a strong first of many great steps forward into manhood. With the great support he has around him and guiding him, along with the respect he commands just from being himself, we think he is going to be just fine. More than fine. He is a strong threat to lead by example.
I notice his life a little more maybe, because I now have my own son to watch over on his journey from babe, to toddler, to child, and teen.... and there are moments when the heart skips a beat and panic sets in. Fear of the unknown you may say. Will I make the right choices so that my son will know how to make his own when he needs to?
As I look at this young man taking this next step, along with his friends who would inspire you as well in their own ways, I constantly think of our boy. With all of my worries about this world, with all that we fear will influence our youth negatively and push them down the wrong road - I look at this young adult who is about to step up to a different starting line... ( I look up as he is a big lad ) and I see a Role Model for his time. To me this young man is Hope.
And, in a way, we get to share in his Celebrations. We have been cheering him on for a few years now; as neighbors and friends. But also as admirers of an inspiring "kid" that we enjoy knowing. I borrow some joy from his achievements, and I learn a little about how to give my son the best opportunity to become a stand out young man, deserving of other people's respect and support. Congratulations to his parents as well on a job well done.
Perhaps you know of someone who makes your worried anticipation of tomorrow just a little less worried because you know they are going to be there ... Leading by example.
Celebrate this someone ... and share it with them.
Have a great day "D" ... and thanks for making this worried father a little calmer and a stronger believer.
Good Morning.
Pierre Couturier
Father, Author, and Entrepreneur
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Awaken Your Day - May 27, 2009
"In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer."
- Albert Camus
We stand and greet a day. Each of us has a feeling brought on from anticipation based on what we already expect from this day.
For some, there is a picture in mind of themselves, standing in a vast field...in two feet of snow, as the temperature hits -30 degrees, and the wind is so strong that it takes the chilling cold deep to the bone. Every step is into the wind, and each step is only one minute of the day before them.
Tough day ahead.
For others, there is a picture ... of a grey day. No sunshine, yet no rain either. No reason to look up and smile, no reason to curse the fowl weather for ruining premade plans. They anticipate this precious day to simply come down to just another X on the calendar. Another day that has come...and gone.
A 'What really matters?' day straight ahead.
And then there is... That Guy.
The forecast is what he decides it to be.
If Bill is knee deep in that snowy field and hating the world, this is the guy that comes by briskly walking ON TOP of the snow with his snow shoes (prepared) and says to Bill, "Come on Bill old buddy, only one more mile to go in this blizzard... and then this meeting will be over and we can go enjoy the warm fireplace. How good will that feel !?"
If Samantha is being smothered by the grey cloud she carries with her, and in her indifference she thinks she left her passion in the romance novel by the bed, this is the guy that comes by and charges up the defibulator simply by changing the batteries in the old seemingly worn out radio. And he reminds Samantha her nice red dress is just the splash of color the day needed. ( respectfully of course).
'Depth of winter' is that phrase that summarizes how you do not want to feel. The mental picture gives you the feeling without need of explanation. It just shows you in a flash of a second...the quicksand of negative emotion that threatens each and every one of us should we let it take over our moments.
Do you have a mental picture for an invincible summer?
Do you have the will deep within you to lay that picture over top of the well copied, winter smotherland image?
Victim or Victor?
Play the Passion card or Fold to the stressors.
How will you respond today...should cold air come knocking?
Will you reach for your gloves and ready yourself for the seemingly inevitable....or will you grab your beach towel and open the door?
Good morning,
Pierre Couturier
- Albert Camus
We stand and greet a day. Each of us has a feeling brought on from anticipation based on what we already expect from this day.
For some, there is a picture in mind of themselves, standing in a vast field...in two feet of snow, as the temperature hits -30 degrees, and the wind is so strong that it takes the chilling cold deep to the bone. Every step is into the wind, and each step is only one minute of the day before them.
Tough day ahead.
For others, there is a picture ... of a grey day. No sunshine, yet no rain either. No reason to look up and smile, no reason to curse the fowl weather for ruining premade plans. They anticipate this precious day to simply come down to just another X on the calendar. Another day that has come...and gone.
A 'What really matters?' day straight ahead.
And then there is... That Guy.
The forecast is what he decides it to be.
If Bill is knee deep in that snowy field and hating the world, this is the guy that comes by briskly walking ON TOP of the snow with his snow shoes (prepared) and says to Bill, "Come on Bill old buddy, only one more mile to go in this blizzard... and then this meeting will be over and we can go enjoy the warm fireplace. How good will that feel !?"
If Samantha is being smothered by the grey cloud she carries with her, and in her indifference she thinks she left her passion in the romance novel by the bed, this is the guy that comes by and charges up the defibulator simply by changing the batteries in the old seemingly worn out radio. And he reminds Samantha her nice red dress is just the splash of color the day needed. ( respectfully of course).
'Depth of winter' is that phrase that summarizes how you do not want to feel. The mental picture gives you the feeling without need of explanation. It just shows you in a flash of a second...the quicksand of negative emotion that threatens each and every one of us should we let it take over our moments.
Do you have a mental picture for an invincible summer?
Do you have the will deep within you to lay that picture over top of the well copied, winter smotherland image?
Victim or Victor?
Play the Passion card or Fold to the stressors.
How will you respond today...should cold air come knocking?
Will you reach for your gloves and ready yourself for the seemingly inevitable....or will you grab your beach towel and open the door?
Good morning,
Pierre Couturier
Awaken Your Day - May 26
"I do believe it is possible to create, even without ever writing a word or painting a picture, by simply molding one's inner life. And that too is a deed."
- Etty Hillesum
We have said many times, that you are the writer of your destiny. You create the story that plays out before you each and every day.
Like a television drama that keeps you in a state of anticipation, always coming back tomorrow...
What have you set up for yourself that today will have you reaching for more?
Good morning,
The mold is ready to be shaped.
Pierre Couturier
Father, Author, and Entrepreneur
- Etty Hillesum
We have said many times, that you are the writer of your destiny. You create the story that plays out before you each and every day.
Like a television drama that keeps you in a state of anticipation, always coming back tomorrow...
What have you set up for yourself that today will have you reaching for more?
Good morning,
The mold is ready to be shaped.
Pierre Couturier
Father, Author, and Entrepreneur
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Awaken Your Day - May 25, 2009 - Miracles Happen
"There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."
- Albert Einstein
We could write essays analyzing and debating what we interpret this statement to mean to us individually. I am sure it has been done. But here.... Why?
Point blank, my view
... if you embrace more moments in your life with the same gratitude, and enthusiasm as you would if you had just experienced a miracle,
... if you give more moments the same value as we stereotypically do for the moments held in the presence of a miracle,
... if we forget all of our troubles more frequently because we are so focussed on the good that surrounds something in our lives, just as we do when we witness a miracle
... if you can make this connection, the quality of your life will drastically improve.
Because you chose it to.
If we choose to recognize and appreciate more moments or events with more passion and gratitude and the realization that there is so much in our lives that is a gift ... we expand our awareness to what we value, and our lives naturally become more enhanced in many ways.
It could be the birth of a child, a step toward a dream, the sun shining on a special day, or food on the table for your family ....
"Where there is great love, there are always Miracles." - Willa Cather
Picture something in your life ... and now you decide; will you embrace it with the same emotion as you would a miracle, some spectacular happening... or just view it as another part of life no different than yesterday? Which one adds color to the picture in your mind?
My life has been filled with Miracles these last 3 months; our son being born is certainly the biggest.
But I also felt the joy of a miracle when I heard from all the people that told me to get back to Awakening their day. I had been at a point where I questioned myself and if it really mattered.
I thank those people for helping me change my perception. Together, here, we will make things happen.
Good morning, and may you find a little miracle to lift your day.
Pierre Couturier
Father, Author and Entrepreneur
- Albert Einstein
We could write essays analyzing and debating what we interpret this statement to mean to us individually. I am sure it has been done. But here.... Why?
Point blank, my view
... if you embrace more moments in your life with the same gratitude, and enthusiasm as you would if you had just experienced a miracle,
... if you give more moments the same value as we stereotypically do for the moments held in the presence of a miracle,
... if we forget all of our troubles more frequently because we are so focussed on the good that surrounds something in our lives, just as we do when we witness a miracle
... if you can make this connection, the quality of your life will drastically improve.
Because you chose it to.
If we choose to recognize and appreciate more moments or events with more passion and gratitude and the realization that there is so much in our lives that is a gift ... we expand our awareness to what we value, and our lives naturally become more enhanced in many ways.
It could be the birth of a child, a step toward a dream, the sun shining on a special day, or food on the table for your family ....
"Where there is great love, there are always Miracles." - Willa Cather
Picture something in your life ... and now you decide; will you embrace it with the same emotion as you would a miracle, some spectacular happening... or just view it as another part of life no different than yesterday? Which one adds color to the picture in your mind?
My life has been filled with Miracles these last 3 months; our son being born is certainly the biggest.
But I also felt the joy of a miracle when I heard from all the people that told me to get back to Awakening their day. I had been at a point where I questioned myself and if it really mattered.
I thank those people for helping me change my perception. Together, here, we will make things happen.
Good morning, and may you find a little miracle to lift your day.
Pierre Couturier
Father, Author and Entrepreneur
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Awaken Your Day - April 7, 2009
"It is easy to sit up and take notice. What is difficult is getting up and taking action."
- Al Batt, writer
So often we find a surge of energy, or more like Hype...and we get our engines running. Our thoughts are in motion, our ideas are running wild, and our plans are taking shape.
And then something distracts us from that energy. Almost like revving up your engines and then someone forgot to give the go signal.
Do not look at the finish line and overwhelm yourself. Just stand up and move toward the energy and continue to feel the excitement for all of it's motivating power. Stay in the zone.
Good morning.
Pierre Couturier
- Al Batt, writer
So often we find a surge of energy, or more like Hype...and we get our engines running. Our thoughts are in motion, our ideas are running wild, and our plans are taking shape.
And then something distracts us from that energy. Almost like revving up your engines and then someone forgot to give the go signal.
Do not look at the finish line and overwhelm yourself. Just stand up and move toward the energy and continue to feel the excitement for all of it's motivating power. Stay in the zone.
Good morning.
Pierre Couturier
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Awaken Your Day - March 17, 2009 - Little Needs
Somewhere today, a little one needs.
A little person, so precious and commanding so much emotion from so many.
A child who has brought light, to many unknown little corners of so many lives.
Somewhere close to us today, a child needs our attention, and our energies and our most dedicated feelings. She needs it much more than the petty issues we think carry importance.
We have someone who is close to us, facing a big challenge for being only 5 weeks old. She teaches me today about refocussing on importance.
I ask that you think of someone little today, that needs your thoughts and energies ... much more than our day to day annoyances.
good morning...and welcome back...
I promise not to leave you so long again.
Pierre Couturier
A little person, so precious and commanding so much emotion from so many.
A child who has brought light, to many unknown little corners of so many lives.
Somewhere close to us today, a child needs our attention, and our energies and our most dedicated feelings. She needs it much more than the petty issues we think carry importance.
We have someone who is close to us, facing a big challenge for being only 5 weeks old. She teaches me today about refocussing on importance.
I ask that you think of someone little today, that needs your thoughts and energies ... much more than our day to day annoyances.
good morning...and welcome back...
I promise not to leave you so long again.
Pierre Couturier
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Awaken Your Day - Feb 11 - Go With A Smile
The last few entries have been a little on the heavy side.
So why don't we start the morning off, remembering that we have the tools to make the most of the day. Go thru your checklist before you leave the house.
Remind yourself that this is the middle of the week and you pick up speed from here.
Be safe on your drive even though your mind is looking ahead a few days to something you wish to do on your weekend.
Let the frustrated people keep their frustration if you are driving.
Make a conscious decision to live your day, and not the aggitated moment of someone else.
Thank the lady behind the counter and smile at the man with the broom in his hand, where ever you see them. Wish them a good day or better still, ask them what they think of the weather.
Be You and share a bit of You with someone and leave behind a comfortable breath moment for someone else.
It is another day. And you belong in this very moment.
I wish for you all something good to enter your life.
I get to see our son on an ultrasound machine today...and with that, I go with a smile.
Good morning.
Pierre Couturier
So why don't we start the morning off, remembering that we have the tools to make the most of the day. Go thru your checklist before you leave the house.
Remind yourself that this is the middle of the week and you pick up speed from here.
Be safe on your drive even though your mind is looking ahead a few days to something you wish to do on your weekend.
Let the frustrated people keep their frustration if you are driving.
Make a conscious decision to live your day, and not the aggitated moment of someone else.
Thank the lady behind the counter and smile at the man with the broom in his hand, where ever you see them. Wish them a good day or better still, ask them what they think of the weather.
Be You and share a bit of You with someone and leave behind a comfortable breath moment for someone else.
It is another day. And you belong in this very moment.
I wish for you all something good to enter your life.
I get to see our son on an ultrasound machine today...and with that, I go with a smile.
Good morning.
Pierre Couturier
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Awaken Your Day - Feb 10 - To Rust or Not to Rust
"Most people rust out due to lack of challenge. Few people rust out due to overuse."
- Unknown
Lack of Challenge?
I believe it is safe to say that we are not short on Challenge in these times.
Aside from the long reach of the economics issues, we see challenges in our relationships, our faith and even our personal development.
However, some of these challenges become routine, and thus, they do not take us by surprise...and with that, we still run the risk of getting a bit rusty on taking control when suddenly the unexpected pops up.
For instance, I work in an industry that contains many variables. Variables that I may not play any decisive role in at all. But they certainly decide things for me. I have seen challenge every time we would get close to closing out one contract and we would wonder when or where the next one would take us. How would we pay the bills? Could I plan for this or that?
Well, the last four years, things have been pretty steady. A person in my position could not really complain. And then suddenly...we see our old nemisis start to roll in. We hear things are supposed to be 'okay' even in the midst of the industry seeing struggle. And then the unthinkable happens and things take a drastic "How could that happen?" turn. I am faced with Challenge. Not just any one, but one I used to be familiar with, and one I had learned a while ago to be prepared for. If only I could find that chapter in my old book of wisdom.
I can honestly tell you, nope...not fully prepared. And in this case, I have run the risk of rusting out. You see, we can look at today's message in two ways. We hear about how we settle into a self made mediocrity if we don't challenge ourselves to become, or learn or do more than our comfort zone allows. In that sense we rust out from lack of proper use. Our imagination, and our dreams...two working gears in mind...begin to lose lubrication and we push on less and less.
We strive or reach for less and less.
The other way, is we get rusty running in the same track, around and around. We slowly forget the lessons that we had learned in order to even get on the track...and we see each day like a routine run. So when adversity hits, we grind to a halt from the friction...and the lack of the lubrication we need from all the previous lessons learned. And we not only run into the "How could this happen?", but we are now seemingly lost and totally dumbfounded in the "What do I do now?"
We have been thru tough times. Each and every one of us. We have skills that go beyond our present occupation or tasks. We have stared down adversity before. No matter if then was different than now....we did it. Look at your personal triumph resume that spans a lifetime. You and I have the tools, to bring the Challenge to a smooth stop. Assess and analyze. Discover what it truly is, what tools we have in the back; and just what screw is loose.
What ever the analogy - the bottom line is, we have the knowledge to think clearly. We just need to polish off some rust and not focus on the grinding unknown.
Challenge is healthy. Because each time we face it we are reintroduced to a part of us that we may not give enough credit to. You have the power to overcome, and prosper.
It is tough times. But I believe it is time to knock some rust off of this equation.
Good morning.
Pierre Couturier
Author - "All She Is..."
The Card Connection
- Unknown
Lack of Challenge?
I believe it is safe to say that we are not short on Challenge in these times.
Aside from the long reach of the economics issues, we see challenges in our relationships, our faith and even our personal development.
However, some of these challenges become routine, and thus, they do not take us by surprise...and with that, we still run the risk of getting a bit rusty on taking control when suddenly the unexpected pops up.
For instance, I work in an industry that contains many variables. Variables that I may not play any decisive role in at all. But they certainly decide things for me. I have seen challenge every time we would get close to closing out one contract and we would wonder when or where the next one would take us. How would we pay the bills? Could I plan for this or that?
Well, the last four years, things have been pretty steady. A person in my position could not really complain. And then suddenly...we see our old nemisis start to roll in. We hear things are supposed to be 'okay' even in the midst of the industry seeing struggle. And then the unthinkable happens and things take a drastic "How could that happen?" turn. I am faced with Challenge. Not just any one, but one I used to be familiar with, and one I had learned a while ago to be prepared for. If only I could find that chapter in my old book of wisdom.
I can honestly tell you, nope...not fully prepared. And in this case, I have run the risk of rusting out. You see, we can look at today's message in two ways. We hear about how we settle into a self made mediocrity if we don't challenge ourselves to become, or learn or do more than our comfort zone allows. In that sense we rust out from lack of proper use. Our imagination, and our dreams...two working gears in mind...begin to lose lubrication and we push on less and less.
We strive or reach for less and less.
The other way, is we get rusty running in the same track, around and around. We slowly forget the lessons that we had learned in order to even get on the track...and we see each day like a routine run. So when adversity hits, we grind to a halt from the friction...and the lack of the lubrication we need from all the previous lessons learned. And we not only run into the "How could this happen?", but we are now seemingly lost and totally dumbfounded in the "What do I do now?"
We have been thru tough times. Each and every one of us. We have skills that go beyond our present occupation or tasks. We have stared down adversity before. No matter if then was different than now....we did it. Look at your personal triumph resume that spans a lifetime. You and I have the tools, to bring the Challenge to a smooth stop. Assess and analyze. Discover what it truly is, what tools we have in the back; and just what screw is loose.
What ever the analogy - the bottom line is, we have the knowledge to think clearly. We just need to polish off some rust and not focus on the grinding unknown.
Challenge is healthy. Because each time we face it we are reintroduced to a part of us that we may not give enough credit to. You have the power to overcome, and prosper.
It is tough times. But I believe it is time to knock some rust off of this equation.
Good morning.
Pierre Couturier
Author - "All She Is..."
The Card Connection
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Awaken Your Day - Feb 5 - Fingerprints
If you watch any kind of television, you can easily see some form of police drama, and from there you are introduced to the importance of fingerprints.
In the world of crime fighting, fingerprints are a valuable discovery at a scene. They tell a story.
Sometimes, they tell a great deal about a story.
Where the finger print is found for example, can add more detail to this priceless piece of evidence. If your print is found at a scene, it obviously tells the investigators that - you were there. Picture now the camera as it often plays out a dramatic circle around the officer, and the music tempo changes and builds our suspense, and as the camera comes around the glass is slowly lifted by the bottom and held up high by the light. The camera pans in and the light shines through, as the focus comes to rest on the beutifully clean print right there on the side of the glass. As soon as we see it our mind goes into "Ah ha!!", instantly creating our own ideas with more detail of the story, and from here, the plot thickens. You get the idea.
Should they find your print on say... a weapon that was used in the crime ... it tells them alot more about the role you played in this event. It deepens the impression you have already left behind. It makes you a suspect of foul play.
Fingerprints, marks, impressions. Proof that you were there, and sometimes exactly what you did while you were there. Most often, as it is with positive and negative comments, the negative is remembered and revisited and believed much more frequently.
In the world of everyday living, fingerprints on the heart are not much different. They are a valuable discovery into someone's story.
Now, it is hard to carry this over in a short entry, so I will have to trust that you will create the full size poster picture from the one question we need to ask ourselves.
When we look at the people who enter our lives; the people who are in our lives, how have we left our mark on them? Where will our fingerprint be found?
Can the story of how our lives crossed be traced back thru an imprint we have left visibly on their smile, or in their tears?
Patience, a helping hand, a donation, some time, a smile, or role model.
Does the evidence show you assisted this life?
Impatience, Arrogance, apathy, selfishness, bully.
Does the evidence make you a suspect of foul play?
What did we do or say or share that should have left a fingerprint, that when investigated gives evidence that we are not suspect of a crime against that person, but rather an act that cared for them? Will our imprint lead to investigators noting a story of good evidence, or bad?
When we look at the evidence of the lives we touch, will our mark, our lasting impression...our fingerprint.... will the print that tells the story of how we affected those lives, be found on a weapon? A weapon, like hurtful words, vengeful acts or disrespect.
What is the evidence we leave behind going to tell about us? What does it tell about the impact we left on that life?
Even more, what do we Want the evidence to say?
Everyday, we step out into the unknown without intention of wrong doing.
Lives touch. Stories are made.
We must make an effort, to be aware of how often we leave behind - our fingerprint.
Good morning.
Pierre Couturier
Author - "All She Is..."
The Card Connection
In the world of crime fighting, fingerprints are a valuable discovery at a scene. They tell a story.
Sometimes, they tell a great deal about a story.
Where the finger print is found for example, can add more detail to this priceless piece of evidence. If your print is found at a scene, it obviously tells the investigators that - you were there. Picture now the camera as it often plays out a dramatic circle around the officer, and the music tempo changes and builds our suspense, and as the camera comes around the glass is slowly lifted by the bottom and held up high by the light. The camera pans in and the light shines through, as the focus comes to rest on the beutifully clean print right there on the side of the glass. As soon as we see it our mind goes into "Ah ha!!", instantly creating our own ideas with more detail of the story, and from here, the plot thickens. You get the idea.
Should they find your print on say... a weapon that was used in the crime ... it tells them alot more about the role you played in this event. It deepens the impression you have already left behind. It makes you a suspect of foul play.
Fingerprints, marks, impressions. Proof that you were there, and sometimes exactly what you did while you were there. Most often, as it is with positive and negative comments, the negative is remembered and revisited and believed much more frequently.
In the world of everyday living, fingerprints on the heart are not much different. They are a valuable discovery into someone's story.
Now, it is hard to carry this over in a short entry, so I will have to trust that you will create the full size poster picture from the one question we need to ask ourselves.
When we look at the people who enter our lives; the people who are in our lives, how have we left our mark on them? Where will our fingerprint be found?
Can the story of how our lives crossed be traced back thru an imprint we have left visibly on their smile, or in their tears?
Patience, a helping hand, a donation, some time, a smile, or role model.
Does the evidence show you assisted this life?
Impatience, Arrogance, apathy, selfishness, bully.
Does the evidence make you a suspect of foul play?
What did we do or say or share that should have left a fingerprint, that when investigated gives evidence that we are not suspect of a crime against that person, but rather an act that cared for them? Will our imprint lead to investigators noting a story of good evidence, or bad?
When we look at the evidence of the lives we touch, will our mark, our lasting impression...our fingerprint.... will the print that tells the story of how we affected those lives, be found on a weapon? A weapon, like hurtful words, vengeful acts or disrespect.
What is the evidence we leave behind going to tell about us? What does it tell about the impact we left on that life?
Even more, what do we Want the evidence to say?
Everyday, we step out into the unknown without intention of wrong doing.
Lives touch. Stories are made.
We must make an effort, to be aware of how often we leave behind - our fingerprint.
Good morning.
Pierre Couturier
Author - "All She Is..."
The Card Connection
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Awaken Your Day - Feb 3
"Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after another."
- Walter Elliott
Small goals achieved continue to spur us on. Before you know it, you are on the threshold of big goal, the one you thought you could not get to.
But with focus on the importance and value of each step, you may not have noticed that while you persevered from one to the next, you gained confidence, and momentum and when you arrived at the main goal, the trip did not feel nearly as long as you anticipated originally.
Yes, you can.
Good Morning
- Walter Elliott
Small goals achieved continue to spur us on. Before you know it, you are on the threshold of big goal, the one you thought you could not get to.
But with focus on the importance and value of each step, you may not have noticed that while you persevered from one to the next, you gained confidence, and momentum and when you arrived at the main goal, the trip did not feel nearly as long as you anticipated originally.
Yes, you can.
Good Morning
Monday, February 2, 2009
Awaken Your Day - Feb 2 - I can see clearly.
Have you ever read a weather report during a storm or bad weather?
The part that says, "Visibility 1 km" for example?
During bad weather, or hard times, or even just times when we are tired from pushing on into the wind, it is more difficult to see the spot we need to get to. Our vision, becomes more and more limited by an outside force.
Obviously on a clear day, or when things are going just right, we can see for miles and miles off into the distance, or into our future, to that spot we dream of. But what do we do when hard times blow thru and take away the luxury of that easy sight?
We still know that our destination is in the same place. It is still no further away than it was, we just cannot be comforted by the sight of it and use that to motivate and spur us on.
But, we saw it. We created it. We envisioned it or painted it.
We know this goal is right where we pictured it to be. This destination...this goal, still exists.
Yet, when hard times and bad weather role in to distract us, discourage us, and push us off the path, we begin to question our ability to get there. We cannot see, so we begin to lose our belief, and then ... our momentum.
If visibily is say, 1 km, and we stay in one spot, visibility will stay at .... 1 km.
But if that visibility...or faith...is 1 km, and we move forward by one step...we still may only see 1km, but now it one from the point of where we are, not where we were. Our vision is expanded, by that one wonderful step forward.
And the outlook, no matter what the weather, shows us a little different appearance.
It may be difficult, but if we press on in hard times, we are still moving toward that fixed target.
It is still there, and you must have faith in the picture you see clearly in your heart, and mind.
"In the darkness of doubt I close my eyes, and I dream in vibrant color." - Pierre
Good Morning, and onward we proceed, no matter how difficult it may be to see the path ahead.
Pierre Couturier
Author - "All She Is..."
The part that says, "Visibility 1 km" for example?
During bad weather, or hard times, or even just times when we are tired from pushing on into the wind, it is more difficult to see the spot we need to get to. Our vision, becomes more and more limited by an outside force.
Obviously on a clear day, or when things are going just right, we can see for miles and miles off into the distance, or into our future, to that spot we dream of. But what do we do when hard times blow thru and take away the luxury of that easy sight?
We still know that our destination is in the same place. It is still no further away than it was, we just cannot be comforted by the sight of it and use that to motivate and spur us on.
But, we saw it. We created it. We envisioned it or painted it.
We know this goal is right where we pictured it to be. This destination...this goal, still exists.
Yet, when hard times and bad weather role in to distract us, discourage us, and push us off the path, we begin to question our ability to get there. We cannot see, so we begin to lose our belief, and then ... our momentum.
If visibily is say, 1 km, and we stay in one spot, visibility will stay at .... 1 km.
But if that visibility...or faith...is 1 km, and we move forward by one step...we still may only see 1km, but now it one from the point of where we are, not where we were. Our vision is expanded, by that one wonderful step forward.
And the outlook, no matter what the weather, shows us a little different appearance.
It may be difficult, but if we press on in hard times, we are still moving toward that fixed target.
It is still there, and you must have faith in the picture you see clearly in your heart, and mind.
"In the darkness of doubt I close my eyes, and I dream in vibrant color." - Pierre
Good Morning, and onward we proceed, no matter how difficult it may be to see the path ahead.
Pierre Couturier
Author - "All She Is..."
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Awaken Your Day - Jan 27 - Who is Knocking?
"The real secret of success is enthusiasm. Yes, more than enthusiasm, I would say excitement. I like to see men get excited. When they get excited they make a success of their lives."
- Walter Chrysler
Because it is so predominant, we continue to touch around this topic of hard times.
We have had quite alot around us recently.
Economics have caught up to us and our home faces potential job loss.
Financial restructuring takes on a stressful position rather than one centered around some positive plan for a dream.
My brother in law has just endured a triple by-pass operation.
And we are having a baby soon, which while it is a joyous occasion, it comes with some degree of self created worry when combined with true stressors.
That could be viewed as quite a list to juggle all at the same time.
Sure it is; but we are not alone. So many others have the same amount on their canvas to paint a picture with.
And ... we all have the same options with our thoughts.
While employment may be in question, the love in our home is not. And this gives me enthusiasm. I have something great to remind me of what I have to offer this world and with that realization, I will find my signature, at work or here with all of you and we will see beyond the clouds to find our path of clear sight. Remember, where one door closes, another opens - and it is your excitement to find it that will embrace your coming success.
Thomas is alive. He is joking with the hospital staff, and his quick wit is blessing me and showing me that there is still room to smile even with all he has had to face in the last week. And I see a look in his face that I am so very honored to know my son will see too. That enthusiasm. For the life in those eyes cannot be told to a young boy on my knee later on. No, he must see that for himself. And he will, because of Thomas' and my sister's courage, and he will be a better young man for it.
Our son ... waiting to make his way into this world to bring even more joy than he already does.
I grew up with far less than I have now. And while we face some difficult times, he will never feel overwhelmed by any of them, for we will enhance what is truly valuable with enthusiasm for all of our successes ... and teach him how to enjoy the excitement that lives within us for all we can be ...
Even in times of adversity.
Many of us are facing some difficult times in our lives right now. As I said, maybe it is financial, maybe it is with family crisis, or maybe it is with a joyous moment that scares you deep inside.
It is good to get excited. Excited for what is beyond the hard time, but also for how you will Get beyond the hard time. What is the scariest part of each thing you face right now and what will you become once you have faced it? What pleasures will you embrace after your excitment spurs you on in times of great adversity? How sweet will the moment be, when you stand at the top and look back ... not worried about how far you have to go, but rather looking back and saying, "Look how far I have come."
Today, I challenge you to find excitement for what can be in all that is. Pick a fight with adversity and then smile a victorious and enthusiastic smile.
Good morning.
- Walter Chrysler
Because it is so predominant, we continue to touch around this topic of hard times.
We have had quite alot around us recently.
Economics have caught up to us and our home faces potential job loss.
Financial restructuring takes on a stressful position rather than one centered around some positive plan for a dream.
My brother in law has just endured a triple by-pass operation.
And we are having a baby soon, which while it is a joyous occasion, it comes with some degree of self created worry when combined with true stressors.
That could be viewed as quite a list to juggle all at the same time.
Sure it is; but we are not alone. So many others have the same amount on their canvas to paint a picture with.
And ... we all have the same options with our thoughts.
While employment may be in question, the love in our home is not. And this gives me enthusiasm. I have something great to remind me of what I have to offer this world and with that realization, I will find my signature, at work or here with all of you and we will see beyond the clouds to find our path of clear sight. Remember, where one door closes, another opens - and it is your excitement to find it that will embrace your coming success.
Thomas is alive. He is joking with the hospital staff, and his quick wit is blessing me and showing me that there is still room to smile even with all he has had to face in the last week. And I see a look in his face that I am so very honored to know my son will see too. That enthusiasm. For the life in those eyes cannot be told to a young boy on my knee later on. No, he must see that for himself. And he will, because of Thomas' and my sister's courage, and he will be a better young man for it.
Our son ... waiting to make his way into this world to bring even more joy than he already does.
I grew up with far less than I have now. And while we face some difficult times, he will never feel overwhelmed by any of them, for we will enhance what is truly valuable with enthusiasm for all of our successes ... and teach him how to enjoy the excitement that lives within us for all we can be ...
Even in times of adversity.
Many of us are facing some difficult times in our lives right now. As I said, maybe it is financial, maybe it is with family crisis, or maybe it is with a joyous moment that scares you deep inside.
It is good to get excited. Excited for what is beyond the hard time, but also for how you will Get beyond the hard time. What is the scariest part of each thing you face right now and what will you become once you have faced it? What pleasures will you embrace after your excitment spurs you on in times of great adversity? How sweet will the moment be, when you stand at the top and look back ... not worried about how far you have to go, but rather looking back and saying, "Look how far I have come."
Today, I challenge you to find excitement for what can be in all that is. Pick a fight with adversity and then smile a victorious and enthusiastic smile.
Good morning.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Awaken Your Day - Jan 26th -
"Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterwards."
- Vernon Sanders Law
You may recall seeing this before, and again I feel it is one of those things said that is worth repeating.
Often times, we encounter a situation and we may feel overwhelmed with what to do next. And, in those times, it is often we do not immediately recall that we have test scores from past experience on how to handle the moment we are in.
Welcome, another Opportunity Monday. This one day of the week has presented you with more pop quiz surprises than any other.
I am sure if you look upon your experience, from all the previous meetings, you will find that you have many lessons upon which to call in order to overcome any new surprises.
More to come on this topic in the coming days, as many of us find ourselves facing challenges with our jobs, and taking care of ourselves and our families in these trying economic times.
You have the answers, you just need to slowly recall where you got them from.
Good Morning,
- Vernon Sanders Law
You may recall seeing this before, and again I feel it is one of those things said that is worth repeating.
Often times, we encounter a situation and we may feel overwhelmed with what to do next. And, in those times, it is often we do not immediately recall that we have test scores from past experience on how to handle the moment we are in.
Welcome, another Opportunity Monday. This one day of the week has presented you with more pop quiz surprises than any other.
I am sure if you look upon your experience, from all the previous meetings, you will find that you have many lessons upon which to call in order to overcome any new surprises.
More to come on this topic in the coming days, as many of us find ourselves facing challenges with our jobs, and taking care of ourselves and our families in these trying economic times.
You have the answers, you just need to slowly recall where you got them from.
Good Morning,
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Awaken Your Day - Jan 22 - Create the Moment
"I merely took the energy it takes to pout and wrote some blues."
- Duke Ellington
And it is just that obvious opportunity that we so often overlook in times of stress, or sadness.
Every moment holds forth the invitation to mold it and shape it to the outcome you so desire.
Shape the day.
Good morning
- Duke Ellington
And it is just that obvious opportunity that we so often overlook in times of stress, or sadness.
Every moment holds forth the invitation to mold it and shape it to the outcome you so desire.
Shape the day.
Good morning
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Awaken Your Day - Jan 20 - Change
Today in the United States, the eyes of the world will be on an event of Change.
A new President steps forward.
Hope for some, swells.
Others, worry.
Change, is the common denominator.
The change represented is far reaching, and hard to touch on any part of it specifically here.
So, why don't we just focus briefly on change, as it pertains to our everyday environment.
We change things often in our lives, and often we do not take full notice of the changes as it is just part of the flow.
For instance, we had some painting done in our house this week.
The obvious changes are there, and visible. But, there are others.
By adding some color to our home, my mind opened up to new thoughts, new feelings and new ideas. One painted wall opened up my mind to new ideas for our home, and I thought of moments to come and more definition of 'Home' stood out to me.
We painted the nursery room, and with a splash of blue I found myself focussing on our child, and the moments we will share in this room. I remembered moments from my own youth, and that brought me to now, and a little lift of joy for what is to be.
We painted the washroom and this morning, I felt a little more awake. I recognized the feeling and embraced it. Like an assurance ... and a fresh look to not just the room, but to the morning.
Not just going thru the motions of morning routine, but a little more in the moment as it is new and awaiting my orders.
We painted a wall in our kitchen, and I found myself feeling comfort and relaxation as well as a feeling of real contentment ... like feeling at Home. Green means a little something more, and the white trim brings unison and warmth. I recall looking at magazines pictures and the comfort of some of them, and I feel that visual comfort now compliment the revisited realization that, this is our Home. Our touch added in one more way.
And I saw the look in my wife's eyes as she too had a moment of "Ah, just what was needed." Our home just took on a little more personal touch, for she picked the colors, and she picked them with the knowledge of who we are, what brings added joy to us, and also, with a vision to the future where this Home embraces Family.
This example shows that it does not have to be huge, nor expensive, nor career altering or anything like that. We have simple change all around us. And that change can open us up to a an array of new vision. Should we choose to acknowledge the awareness of what changes inside us.
Change is what we make it. Be it a President, or the color of a wall in your home.
Touch on what it means to you. Touch on what it brings to your life for the good. Simple or large, change is going to come. How we view it, or should I say, how we choose to view it - will write the next page in time.
Good morning...
A new President steps forward.
Hope for some, swells.
Others, worry.
Change, is the common denominator.
The change represented is far reaching, and hard to touch on any part of it specifically here.
So, why don't we just focus briefly on change, as it pertains to our everyday environment.
We change things often in our lives, and often we do not take full notice of the changes as it is just part of the flow.
For instance, we had some painting done in our house this week.
The obvious changes are there, and visible. But, there are others.
By adding some color to our home, my mind opened up to new thoughts, new feelings and new ideas. One painted wall opened up my mind to new ideas for our home, and I thought of moments to come and more definition of 'Home' stood out to me.
We painted the nursery room, and with a splash of blue I found myself focussing on our child, and the moments we will share in this room. I remembered moments from my own youth, and that brought me to now, and a little lift of joy for what is to be.
We painted the washroom and this morning, I felt a little more awake. I recognized the feeling and embraced it. Like an assurance ... and a fresh look to not just the room, but to the morning.
Not just going thru the motions of morning routine, but a little more in the moment as it is new and awaiting my orders.
We painted a wall in our kitchen, and I found myself feeling comfort and relaxation as well as a feeling of real contentment ... like feeling at Home. Green means a little something more, and the white trim brings unison and warmth. I recall looking at magazines pictures and the comfort of some of them, and I feel that visual comfort now compliment the revisited realization that, this is our Home. Our touch added in one more way.
And I saw the look in my wife's eyes as she too had a moment of "Ah, just what was needed." Our home just took on a little more personal touch, for she picked the colors, and she picked them with the knowledge of who we are, what brings added joy to us, and also, with a vision to the future where this Home embraces Family.
This example shows that it does not have to be huge, nor expensive, nor career altering or anything like that. We have simple change all around us. And that change can open us up to a an array of new vision. Should we choose to acknowledge the awareness of what changes inside us.
Change is what we make it. Be it a President, or the color of a wall in your home.
Touch on what it means to you. Touch on what it brings to your life for the good. Simple or large, change is going to come. How we view it, or should I say, how we choose to view it - will write the next page in time.
Good morning...
Monday, January 19, 2009
Awaken Your Day - Jan 19 - Adapt and Conquer
"Even with the best of maps and instruments, we can never fully chart our journeys."
- Gail Pool
You could do everything right.
You could do everything by the book.
You read instructions.
You take the training.
You do the same job, the same tasks, day in and day out, over and over and over again.
Does that mean you will never encounter surprises? Gliches? Some unforseen obstacle that prevents perfect flow?
One angle on our quote today is to be prepared to adapt to change. Not everything can be fully planned sure, but also not everything can go according to plan either.
If you can learn the art of adapting to circumstance, and then flowing with what ever happens but still keeping your eye on the goal at hand, you will still find success. We must learn that an obstacle is not a reason to quit. It is however an opportunity to learn.
Not just learning to accept the things we cannot change etc etc... no, I mean learning how to adapt to variables beyond our control but still maintain forward movement. Adapt to those variables and not lose our way. And adapt to the variables and not lose control of our emotions.
You can be prepared.
You can have a plan.
You can have the desire.
You can have outside influence that interupts all of those.
Now, you find your awareness...and you carry on.
Monday, and it's reputation, bring a great time to practice our skills...and learning how to move forward no matter what.
Good Morning
- Gail Pool
You could do everything right.
You could do everything by the book.
You read instructions.
You take the training.
You do the same job, the same tasks, day in and day out, over and over and over again.
Does that mean you will never encounter surprises? Gliches? Some unforseen obstacle that prevents perfect flow?
One angle on our quote today is to be prepared to adapt to change. Not everything can be fully planned sure, but also not everything can go according to plan either.
If you can learn the art of adapting to circumstance, and then flowing with what ever happens but still keeping your eye on the goal at hand, you will still find success. We must learn that an obstacle is not a reason to quit. It is however an opportunity to learn.
Not just learning to accept the things we cannot change etc etc... no, I mean learning how to adapt to variables beyond our control but still maintain forward movement. Adapt to those variables and not lose our way. And adapt to the variables and not lose control of our emotions.
You can be prepared.
You can have a plan.
You can have the desire.
You can have outside influence that interupts all of those.
Now, you find your awareness...and you carry on.
Monday, and it's reputation, bring a great time to practice our skills...and learning how to move forward no matter what.
Good Morning
Friday, January 16, 2009
Awaken Your Day - Jan 16 - Time Well Wasted
"Regret for wasted time is more wasted time."
- Mason Cooley
Maybe you did not get something done.
Maybe you did not get something started.
Worry about it now, and you put off the action yet again, for a decision you cannot go back and change.
You are aware of what you would have liked to do or should have done.
Maybe the time was not totally wasted. You may not have worked on a particular task, but something else may have benefited.
Guage why you feel it was wasted, and proceed with resolving that feeling with appropriate action.
While some will add more wasted time worrying about past wasted time and adding to the Total Regret ratio, you will have taken the lead on yours and broken away from the pack.
Good morning,
There is a weekend upon you.
May I suggest you pencil in some automatic wasted time for pure release of stress.
There can be a right time, for doing nothing.
- Mason Cooley
Maybe you did not get something done.
Maybe you did not get something started.
Worry about it now, and you put off the action yet again, for a decision you cannot go back and change.
You are aware of what you would have liked to do or should have done.
Maybe the time was not totally wasted. You may not have worked on a particular task, but something else may have benefited.
Guage why you feel it was wasted, and proceed with resolving that feeling with appropriate action.
While some will add more wasted time worrying about past wasted time and adding to the Total Regret ratio, you will have taken the lead on yours and broken away from the pack.
Good morning,
There is a weekend upon you.
May I suggest you pencil in some automatic wasted time for pure release of stress.
There can be a right time, for doing nothing.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Awaken Your Day - Jan 14 - Eyes Up for Success
"When one door closes another door opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us."
- Alexander Graham Bell
Just quick this morning, for it is mid week and I know we are all looking at the opportunities to come in the next few days.
Times are more of a struggle right now, for many of us, or for someone we know. Everything that is going on affects us somehow. So we must try a little harder, to keep believing that there is opportunity in every situation. Hard times, or harder times ... we can take something of value from it, and knowing that, we must put our awareness to the front of thoughts, so that while it may be a struggle to go face first into the storm - we must if we want to see where the path ahead finds the sunshine.
Good morning.
- Alexander Graham Bell
Just quick this morning, for it is mid week and I know we are all looking at the opportunities to come in the next few days.
Times are more of a struggle right now, for many of us, or for someone we know. Everything that is going on affects us somehow. So we must try a little harder, to keep believing that there is opportunity in every situation. Hard times, or harder times ... we can take something of value from it, and knowing that, we must put our awareness to the front of thoughts, so that while it may be a struggle to go face first into the storm - we must if we want to see where the path ahead finds the sunshine.
Good morning.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Awaken Your Day - Jan 12 - Opportunity
"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live."
- J.K. Rowling
Opportunity Monday says that there is a whole lot of life you can give each moment you are in right now, instead of wishing for a weekend.
If all you do is "survive" until the weekend you will find there is never enuf time to live life to the fullest when you get there. But if you fill each day between now and then with more effort to live more fully constantly - the weekend will be that much more free and full when you reach it.
Have the Best Monday you can remember.
- J.K. Rowling
Opportunity Monday says that there is a whole lot of life you can give each moment you are in right now, instead of wishing for a weekend.
If all you do is "survive" until the weekend you will find there is never enuf time to live life to the fullest when you get there. But if you fill each day between now and then with more effort to live more fully constantly - the weekend will be that much more free and full when you reach it.
Have the Best Monday you can remember.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Awaken Your Day - Jan 6 - De-Stress
"Life is not a stress rehearsal."
- Loretta Laroche
Put that on 'repeat' and play it in your mind all day.
Good morning - keep it focused and simple.
- Loretta Laroche
Put that on 'repeat' and play it in your mind all day.
Good morning - keep it focused and simple.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Awaken Your Day - Jan 5, 2009 - Your Dream, Your Title
"My mother said to me, 'If you become a soldier you'll be a general; if you become a monk you'll end up as the pope.' Instead, I became a painter and wound up as Picasso."
- Pablo Picasso
There are many ways to interpret this comment this morning, and with that I see no reason you should not take your own meaning forward, grasped firmly in your heart, and leading you on thru the beginning of a new and promising time.
You have an idea of whom you are, or whom you wish to be.
Should you strive to be the best at what that idea is, the best you that you can be, then you will find the rewards far more reaching than what we associate a title to.
Begin and Believe in the power in your abilities. Show the world who you are.
Trust me, we will benefit.
Good morning.
Pierre Couturier
A New Day Has Awakened
- Pablo Picasso
There are many ways to interpret this comment this morning, and with that I see no reason you should not take your own meaning forward, grasped firmly in your heart, and leading you on thru the beginning of a new and promising time.
You have an idea of whom you are, or whom you wish to be.
Should you strive to be the best at what that idea is, the best you that you can be, then you will find the rewards far more reaching than what we associate a title to.
Begin and Believe in the power in your abilities. Show the world who you are.
Trust me, we will benefit.
Good morning.
Pierre Couturier
A New Day Has Awakened
Friday, January 2, 2009
Awaken Your Day - Jan 2, 2009 - A New Day
Thought we would skip the first day of the year, and let everyone ponder their own thoughts and evaluations of the year past, and the promise that this one brings.
You may have come up with a lot to think about regarding what you did do last year, what you did not and what you 'hope' and 'wish' for for this year.
Bottom line, is be true to yourself and your abilities and more than anything your expectations of you. Dream big, but dream truthful. Shoot for the stars but then stay true to the action that will propel you to them.
There is always so much we can try to tap into for motivating each of us at this time. Our lives always take on a refreshed focus right now. Trick is to keep the focus. Take it from me, it is the key ingredient I have been inconsistant with to push the boundaries of my own success.
I borrowed today's comments below from Bob Proctor. Funny, how what I need finds me when I need it, and I hope I then in turn find some of you when you need it.
Good morning, good start, good year.
Take a Year-End Attitude Inventory
It's a wise custom to end an old year and begin a new one with serious self-reflection. What did you learn this year that can improve your life and make you a better person?
Start by examining the way you think and feel about your job, your relationships, and yourself. After all, the single most important factor in personal happiness and your impact on others is your attitude.
In the geometry of life, the axiom is "positive attitudes produce positive results." They make success more likely, failures less harmful, pleasures more frequent, and pain more bearable. Some people tend to bring warm sunshine wherever they go; others bring cold chills. What do you bring?
To find out where you can improve, take an honest inventory of your predispositions, the attitude you're most likely to start with.
Are you generally optimistic or pessimistic?
Do you tend to assume the best or expect the worst of people?
Is your first instinct to be empathetic or judgmental?
Is your first instinct to be supportive or critical?
Do you send the message that you enjoy life or that you're barely enduring it?
Do you come across as the captain of your own ship or simply a passenger?
Wherever you are on the positive-attitude spectrum, think how much better things could be if you were more consistently and self-consciously optimistic, empathetic, supportive, grateful, enthusiastic, hopeful, and cheerful.
So why not resolve to think, act, and speak more positively about yourself, your family, your coworkers, and everyone else in your life?
- Michael Josephson
You may have come up with a lot to think about regarding what you did do last year, what you did not and what you 'hope' and 'wish' for for this year.
Bottom line, is be true to yourself and your abilities and more than anything your expectations of you. Dream big, but dream truthful. Shoot for the stars but then stay true to the action that will propel you to them.
There is always so much we can try to tap into for motivating each of us at this time. Our lives always take on a refreshed focus right now. Trick is to keep the focus. Take it from me, it is the key ingredient I have been inconsistant with to push the boundaries of my own success.
I borrowed today's comments below from Bob Proctor. Funny, how what I need finds me when I need it, and I hope I then in turn find some of you when you need it.
Good morning, good start, good year.
Take a Year-End Attitude Inventory
It's a wise custom to end an old year and begin a new one with serious self-reflection. What did you learn this year that can improve your life and make you a better person?
Start by examining the way you think and feel about your job, your relationships, and yourself. After all, the single most important factor in personal happiness and your impact on others is your attitude.
In the geometry of life, the axiom is "positive attitudes produce positive results." They make success more likely, failures less harmful, pleasures more frequent, and pain more bearable. Some people tend to bring warm sunshine wherever they go; others bring cold chills. What do you bring?
To find out where you can improve, take an honest inventory of your predispositions, the attitude you're most likely to start with.
Are you generally optimistic or pessimistic?
Do you tend to assume the best or expect the worst of people?
Is your first instinct to be empathetic or judgmental?
Is your first instinct to be supportive or critical?
Do you send the message that you enjoy life or that you're barely enduring it?
Do you come across as the captain of your own ship or simply a passenger?
Wherever you are on the positive-attitude spectrum, think how much better things could be if you were more consistently and self-consciously optimistic, empathetic, supportive, grateful, enthusiastic, hopeful, and cheerful.
So why not resolve to think, act, and speak more positively about yourself, your family, your coworkers, and everyone else in your life?
- Michael Josephson
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