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"What can we do, starting today, to build lasting success?"...."We all want to be part of something. We all want to feel great about the choices we make."

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Awaken Your Day - Jan 26, 2017 - A Quality Question

What is success to you?

I read this yesterday, and then it came up in conversation as well. And then I read some updates on some people we see as "successful" through our eyes....
So it seemed like I was being asked to utilize some time I had on a plane...and a bus... to ponder some.

I came to see that I am very successful in some aspects of my life ... and in some others I would like to expand my feeling of success - not for status but for other reasons.

So ... You might want to ask You. "What is Success to me?"

 You may find some inner satisfaction - and you may even define some goals. Both help to Awaken Your Day to Success stories.

Good morning, Greater day. Greater you - with just a quality question.
AYD - Pierre Couturier - Husband, Daddy and Author to my Day

Awaken Your Day - Jan 25, 2017 - So much is decided at the starting line.

"Be deliberate about setting up your day to win."
- Les Brown

I'm a believer that if you choose to start off right and in control of what the day offers, you can have more command of your responses no matter what comes at you.
We do have to stay within reach of the same energy we begin with - and this is just staying aware of how you want to feel over how you don't. And don't kid ourselves - the art of success here is a work in progress and requires fine tuning.

But those little successes adding up are a constant shot of encouragement.

Good morning, Greater day. Greater You - deliberately.
AYD - Pierre Couturier - Husband, Daddy and Author to my day.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Awaken Your Day - Jan 23, 2017 - Running with a pack of ...

"Surround yourself with people who force you to level up."
- quoted, and requited.

Look around you for that Monday Downer Guy ... and if you can't find him, maybe just maybe all your great energy and motivation for a great Monday finally rubbed off on everyone.
Be the force... and the force will come back around.

Good morning, Greater Day. Greater You - influencing your own environment.
AYD - Pierre Couturier - Husband, Daddy and Author to my Day.