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Friday, July 11, 2008
Awaken Your Day - July 11 Opportunity Waits
We envision being the first one off the line and leading the charge with a "Whhoooo Hooo!" Oh yeah. Freedom. I cannot wait!!
Is that this week for you?
Was it tough? A bit of a struggle and you are already counting the minutes and you haven't even left the house for your work yet?
Sorry to hear that.
Allow me to make it worse.
My week was not bad enough to complain about.
I made some progress. Had some tasks, figured out how to get them started. Have a lot on my list but there is forward momentum. I was busy, but I chose not to be frantic.
And now here is the kicker. My weekend will be even busier.
You see, I am looking at it like this.
Opportunity is like my faithful companion. Patiently waiting for me to take her for a walk or to open the doors and let her show me all the tricks she can do.
Opportunity is sitting patiently...counting the minutes until I get home from my daily obligations. And then, when I do, we leap forward. Ya, she has a list for me, but each one brings with it ... ah, you guessed it...more opportunity.
Opportunity has new resources ready for me for my business. It has time with friends to bond, and share and to relax. It has messages from old friends to reply to. It has a house to clean so i can kick back with comfort. It has some plans for me to prep next week for a smooth transition and progress in many areas of my health, my dreams and my success. It even has moments in there to look ahead into more of my days at other opportunities that sit patiently waiting ... on calendar pages - and in all that - I have alot to look forward to.
I know Opportunity will be there for me when I get home, ready to enrich my life. And so, with that gift of awareness, and the relaxation of knowing I didn't miss recognizing all that it has in store for me, I can focus on my obligations thru the day, give my best, and not let myself get all wound up. So when I come home, all these opportunities get my full, and destressed attention.
The sun may not be up yet, but I have the luxury of knowing it is coming.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Pierre Couturier – July 11, 2008
Author – “All She Is…”
Lifepath Representative
Success is Yours – With Prosperity Designers Inc. and Wealth Creators Inc.
Personal Development and Business Opportunity 1-888-719-5819
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Awaken Your Day - July 10 Command a Moment
Can you tell us about your strengths?
Can you tell us about your weaknesses?
Describe a situation where you had a tense encounter with a coworker.
Describe a situation where you rose to the occasion and solved a problem.
Job interviews.
Feels like a life interview sometimes.
Funny how being put on the spot, for many of us, our mind goes blank to some of those questions and we struggle within ourselves to find answers that should be readily available to us. Like the wind is taken from our sails.
My strengths...uh, I ... uh....
Weaknesses ...well, I ... uh...
Describe a situation where you rose to the what ? ... uh...
Ask an entrepreneur these questions and really, you won't find them nearly as hesitant.
And so, we come to the parallel. Whether you are in a business venture, or are just an entrepreneur of your own personal development and self leadership, you could easily have the answers to the questions that cause the average man's body to simply say, "HUH??"
You have already tackled these questions in the form of actions you have or are taking. Maybe just not head on like in an interview. You have had to face your weaknesses while you discover your strengths while you solve problems and encounter a variety of situations and circumstances. You are taking inventory of your abilities and your needs as far as your dream supplies list is concerned. You already know where you want to be in 5 years - beginning with the mornings - this morning.
I find it funny how, in one frame of mind, we encounter moments like those created by on the spot questions, and we tense up. We freeze and our mind stutters and we stammer. We are not confident. But then, in a setting we command, those same moments ( those same questions) come along and we are eager to jump out of our chair with our hands providing visual aid for all the excited words coming out of our mouth while we share the dream quest we are on or the business that helped us find our passion.
You are what you are and are doing whatever it is you do as this morning finds you. But above all, if we are sharing moments here at AYD, then you are telling me that you are an entrepreneur into a better you. With that in your pocket, you have the power to command any and all moments that used to be stifling.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
What are your strengths that you have discovered on this journey? I am excited to know.
Where have you found you need more training, research, or focus? Really? Me too.
Describe a situation where you wanted to quit? How did you overcome it?
Describe a time when you found some success because of your focus and perseverance - how did that feel to be rewarded for your efforts?
Greet life with that entrepreneur spirit, and you will be surprised how much you command the moment, no matter what life tests you with.
Good morning - good leadiing.
Pierre Couturier – July 10, 2008
Author – “All She Is…”
LPU Representative
Success is Yours – With Prosperity Designers Inc. and Wealth Creators Inc.
Personal Development and Business Opportunity 1-888-719-5819
Monday, July 7, 2008
Awaken Your Day - July 8 With Inspiration

Inspiration can find you anywhere. Especially at home.
When was the last time you started your day, just looking around your home?
I don't care if you have an apartment, a trailer, a house or a mansion. Take a walk.
Walk around your home. Travel the story that is you.
This is from our back yard. A great way to start a morning. A great way to claim the day as mine to conquer. In our yard, a yard I never felt would be mine, there grows beauty. There grows color. There is life in this place. There is a story. Life prospers here. Life that we play a part of. Life that we nourish, and care for. So that it may give us the same nourishment in return. The same inspiration to reach up toward the sun.
We sit on our deck, and we take in the life that has grown around us. We chose this life. And it is working just fine. It is growing even more lovely than we originally dreamed.
What a wonderful start to a day. And a wonderful moment to carry with me, thru every challenge that waits to teach me how to carry it even more closely.
Inspiration waits for you everywhere. Especially, right there at home, where you left it, to remind you.
I believe in you. Take a walk.
Pierre Couturier – July 8, 2008
Author – “All She Is…”
Lifepath Representative
Success is Yours – With Prosperity Designers Inc. and Wealth Creators Inc.
Personal Development and Business Opportunity 1-888-719-5819
Awaken Your Day - July 7 Opportunity Monday
- Mary Tyler Moore
Opportunity Monday - a great day to see and explore what rewards could be waiting for you. A good day to take a step toward something new. Have a wonderful day, and a fresh step.