"I wish we could put some of the Christmas spirit in jars and open a jar of it every month."
- Harlan Miller
Borrowed from "Chicken Soup for the Soul - The Wisdom of Dads"
I often wonder why it is that joy, or intensity seems to increase more drastically at specific times and in certain ways as to reinvent interest is something and bring us to "the edge of our seat."
Like playoffs during sports like Hockey. They always seem to play so much more focussed at THAT time of year. "This is Playoff hockey!" I would like to see them play that strongly all year.
Like the last two minutes of any football game...when all of a sudden that final drive to win the game produces the most exciting and well played football of the entire afternoon. Where was that excitement for the first 58 minutes?
Like when we hit rock bottom, and we have no choice but to focus on nothing but climbing up, and we generate a success story.
It drives me crazy as I wonder again, WHY can they not play that intense throughout the game? Why can we not focus on success before we are get so low? Why THEN does it mean something enough to bring out the best in who we are and what we do?
And so... Christmas in July.
Why must I wait until December to capture the famed "Christmas Spirit"?
Ignore the gift giving as that is not what this is about. The energy. The feel good, the love thy neighbor, the jolly, the music the thinking of others. "Hey Bill, have a Merry Friday, July 17th. Why? Well, because you can, and should." And Bill thinks, "What is wrong with you? It is July, not December. You can't get away with acting like that in July. Merry Friday?!! What? No. We don't do that. It's December...it's always been December, And give me back my lawnmower."
Is it because Christmas is a predetermined mind set? Is it because we are told that at THAT time we SHOULD feel this way and so THAT becomes what IS? It helps that Christmas is filled with this labelled support and focus and like minded people. Surrounded by Like Minded People... is that not one of the fundamental elements to Success? Success of any goal or idea or thought or feeling.... surround yourself with those that think like you.
When the setting is laid out for us, it is almost like Permission to be a part of the Joyful Atmosphere. It is Christmas, therefore I am Christmasy. We simply "role" into it.
So... who says we cannot adopt this wonderful emotional frame of mind...this expressed goodness and joy.... why cannot we adopt this and parallel it anytime. "Role" into it. Put aside the gifts and the main theme of Christ for the moment, as this is just plain and simply touching on the Spirit of the Holidays. Choosing to spread good Cheer...because we can and should.
Let John and Susan break into the Beach Boys at the office; because it is Christmas in July and summer beach songs would be the Carols of summer. In fact...I dare you to go summertime caroling. Go on, get some friends and knock on doors and break into song.
"Let's go surfing now, everybody's learning how. Come on and safari with me....come and safari with me."
Just think of it. The spirit of Christmas in July.
Just imagine the changes you could make with a simple phrase at this time of year.
That guy that just apologized for his bad manners in traffic..."Hey, it's okay. It's Christmas."
That new temp at the office that just shredded instead of copied your file..."Hey, it happens. Don't worry, it's Christmas." ( Watch the face on that one...it would be priceless.)
Or you, taking a moment to stop your busy life, and pick up the phone to catch up with friends and family and to wish them well ... because it is Christmas.
A predetermined mind set. Like minded people.
Invent it anytime you want to....don't wait for December, when today is right here.
Open a jar of Christmas on somebody.
- Harlan Miller
Borrowed from "Chicken Soup for the Soul - The Wisdom of Dads"
I often wonder why it is that joy, or intensity seems to increase more drastically at specific times and in certain ways as to reinvent interest is something and bring us to "the edge of our seat."
Like playoffs during sports like Hockey. They always seem to play so much more focussed at THAT time of year. "This is Playoff hockey!" I would like to see them play that strongly all year.
Like the last two minutes of any football game...when all of a sudden that final drive to win the game produces the most exciting and well played football of the entire afternoon. Where was that excitement for the first 58 minutes?
Like when we hit rock bottom, and we have no choice but to focus on nothing but climbing up, and we generate a success story.
It drives me crazy as I wonder again, WHY can they not play that intense throughout the game? Why can we not focus on success before we are get so low? Why THEN does it mean something enough to bring out the best in who we are and what we do?
And so... Christmas in July.
Why must I wait until December to capture the famed "Christmas Spirit"?
Ignore the gift giving as that is not what this is about. The energy. The feel good, the love thy neighbor, the jolly, the music the thinking of others. "Hey Bill, have a Merry Friday, July 17th. Why? Well, because you can, and should." And Bill thinks, "What is wrong with you? It is July, not December. You can't get away with acting like that in July. Merry Friday?!! What? No. We don't do that. It's December...it's always been December, And give me back my lawnmower."
Is it because Christmas is a predetermined mind set? Is it because we are told that at THAT time we SHOULD feel this way and so THAT becomes what IS? It helps that Christmas is filled with this labelled support and focus and like minded people. Surrounded by Like Minded People... is that not one of the fundamental elements to Success? Success of any goal or idea or thought or feeling.... surround yourself with those that think like you.
When the setting is laid out for us, it is almost like Permission to be a part of the Joyful Atmosphere. It is Christmas, therefore I am Christmasy. We simply "role" into it.
So... who says we cannot adopt this wonderful emotional frame of mind...this expressed goodness and joy.... why cannot we adopt this and parallel it anytime. "Role" into it. Put aside the gifts and the main theme of Christ for the moment, as this is just plain and simply touching on the Spirit of the Holidays. Choosing to spread good Cheer...because we can and should.
Let John and Susan break into the Beach Boys at the office; because it is Christmas in July and summer beach songs would be the Carols of summer. In fact...I dare you to go summertime caroling. Go on, get some friends and knock on doors and break into song.
"Let's go surfing now, everybody's learning how. Come on and safari with me....come and safari with me."
Just think of it. The spirit of Christmas in July.
Just imagine the changes you could make with a simple phrase at this time of year.
That guy that just apologized for his bad manners in traffic..."Hey, it's okay. It's Christmas."
That new temp at the office that just shredded instead of copied your file..."Hey, it happens. Don't worry, it's Christmas." ( Watch the face on that one...it would be priceless.)
Or you, taking a moment to stop your busy life, and pick up the phone to catch up with friends and family and to wish them well ... because it is Christmas.
A predetermined mind set. Like minded people.
Invent it anytime you want to....don't wait for December, when today is right here.
Open a jar of Christmas on somebody.
Have a fantastic weekend, and a very Merry Christmas in July.
Pierre Couturier
Father, Husband, Author, Entrepreneur and Friend.