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"What can we do, starting today, to build lasting success?"...."We all want to be part of something. We all want to feel great about the choices we make."

Friday, April 23, 2010

Awaken Your Day - Successful Belief Part 2 - April 23, 2010

This morning is short and sweet and to the point. We give you part two of the guide to acquire and strengthen your power of belief in your success.

2. Remind yourself regularly that you are better than you think you are. Successful people are not supermen. Success does not require a super-intellect. Nor is there anything mystical about success. And success isn’t based on luck. Successful people are just ordinary folks who have developed belief in themselves and what they do. Never – yes, never – sell yourself short.

This, is something I can share with you from the heart. This is something I was guilty of doing for a long time. And now I understand that this is part of the action you must take on your journey. Not selling yourself for less than you can achieve, you are acting for your benefit. Seems obvious but a lot of us still do it. Becoming aware of Not doing it, this counts as a step forward.

You can think positive, you can be positive…and this little guide is filler to help you stay on course. This is liner notes on the script of your goals and dreams of success of any kind. These little pieces of wisdom are part of the glue that holds you together while you are building all you want to be.

It is a day to remember, when you start to discover, and then accept, what you are truly capable of.

Pierre Couturier
Lifepath Mentor
Author – “All She Is…”

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Awaken Your Day - Successful Belief - April 22, 2010

You have heard me discuss how very important it is to believe in yourself and in your dreams. In the next few days I would like to share something with you from “The Magic of Thinking Big”, by David J. Schwartz. I would like to share with you three guides to acquire and strengthen your power of belief in your success.

1. Think Success, don’t think failure. At work, in your home, substitute success thinking for failure thinking. When you face a difficult situation, think, “I’ll win,” not “I’ll probably lose.” When you compete with someone else, think, “I’m equal to the best,” not “I’m out-classed.” When opportunity appears, think “I can do it,” never “I can’t.” Let the master thought “I–will-succeed” dominate your thinking process. Thinking success conditions your mind to create plans that produce success. Thinking failure does the exact opposite. Failure thinking conditions the mind to think other thoughts that produce failure.

And that my friends is where your success begins. You cannot sell yourself short. Begin today to alter how you approach things. Gather up more of this approach in your everyday activities and build up your belief.
Failure thoughts, are doubtful thoughts, and those lead to apprehension and then hesitation and then you may not realize it, but you deny yourself the ability to give your best effort.

Have a successful day.

Pierre Couturier
Father, Husband, Author, Life Student

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Awaken Your Day - No Settling Here - April 20, 2010

“I’m not willing to settle for less than I can be, or feel, or do, or experience in my life!”
- Anthony Robbins, World Class Life Coach and Motivational Speaker

Mr. Robbins says that people who live with passion, say this to themselves. A lifestyle you take on.

You try it.

Say it out loud.
It sounds good.

Say it.

Hear it.

Feel it.

Trust it.

Believe it.

I dare you.

A new day has Awakened. Do you know where your motivation is?
Let’s get started.

Pierre Couturier
Lifepath Mentor
Author – “All She Is…”

Monday, April 19, 2010

Awaken Your Day - Believe - April 19, 2010

“Believe in yourself, and there will come a day when others will have no choice but to believe with you.”
Cynthia Kersey

How many times have we heard this expression? Maybe it was worded differently, but I bet it was spoken by a number of different people who have crossed our paths.

It is the start of many great things to come your way. You will find this in financial inspiration books, and personal motivation books, as well as spiritual and leadership guides of all types. Salesman and teachers and businessmen and counselors. Look to your heros. I can safely say somewhere, from all those people and in all those books, you will find reference to Believing in You.

Take a moment this morning, to sit back and focus on your accomplishments. Pretty impressive.

Start with Believing in Yourself, and it will be with ease that you
Awaken Your Day.

Good Morning
Welcome to Opportunity Monday

Pierre Couturier