"Sometimes the appropriate response to reality is to go insane."
- Phillip K. Dick
Have you ever done something that was not like you?
Have you ever heard of someone referred to like, "Oh, he is just so crazy!"?
Ever done anything spontaneous?
Have you ever been really passionate about something, like a new relationship, that you just did things a little more loopy than usual?
Insane is a just a descriptive word to describe doing something necessary to bust out of the routine of our created reality. At least, that is what "insane" means here...today.
Insane is a descriptive state of mind for the passion we grab hold of and chase to bust loose of the flatline pattern we find when we sit and daydream about the
What If's....
and the
Gee, it could have been so...
and mostly the ...
I wish I could...
It is the start of the week, and ahead of you may lie some of the same old same old. But also ahead of you is the majority of the time in the week to spice it up...to change it...to maybe go a little insane.
Make an effort to kick the day off with a little more energy, and then share that energy with others. Infect them with your smile, or your wit. Become passionate about your day by redirecting the energy from "reality" to something more.
What are you passionate about in your life? Now...like a successful business person, speak it, love it, live it. And put that energy into your everyday functions.
Be the one they speak fondly of and smile when you are not around as they then share that detail about you...
"Oh Yeah!! He is so crazy!"
Good morning, you nuts.
Pierre Couturier
Father, Author, Entrepreneur
- Phillip K. Dick
Have you ever done something that was not like you?
Have you ever heard of someone referred to like, "Oh, he is just so crazy!"?
Ever done anything spontaneous?
Have you ever been really passionate about something, like a new relationship, that you just did things a little more loopy than usual?
Insane is a just a descriptive word to describe doing something necessary to bust out of the routine of our created reality. At least, that is what "insane" means here...today.
Insane is a descriptive state of mind for the passion we grab hold of and chase to bust loose of the flatline pattern we find when we sit and daydream about the
What If's....
and the
Gee, it could have been so...
and mostly the ...
I wish I could...
It is the start of the week, and ahead of you may lie some of the same old same old. But also ahead of you is the majority of the time in the week to spice it up...to change it...to maybe go a little insane.
Make an effort to kick the day off with a little more energy, and then share that energy with others. Infect them with your smile, or your wit. Become passionate about your day by redirecting the energy from "reality" to something more.
What are you passionate about in your life? Now...like a successful business person, speak it, love it, live it. And put that energy into your everyday functions.
Be the one they speak fondly of and smile when you are not around as they then share that detail about you...
"Oh Yeah!! He is so crazy!"
Good morning, you nuts.
Pierre Couturier
Father, Author, Entrepreneur
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