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"What can we do, starting today, to build lasting success?"...."We all want to be part of something. We all want to feel great about the choices we make."

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Awaken Your Day - May 27, 2009

"In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer."
- Albert Camus

We stand and greet a day. Each of us has a feeling brought on from anticipation based on what we already expect from this day.

For some, there is a picture in mind of themselves, standing in a vast field...in two feet of snow, as the temperature hits -30 degrees, and the wind is so strong that it takes the chilling cold deep to the bone. Every step is into the wind, and each step is only one minute of the day before them.

Tough day ahead.

For others, there is a picture ... of a grey day. No sunshine, yet no rain either. No reason to look up and smile, no reason to curse the fowl weather for ruining premade plans. They anticipate this precious day to simply come down to just another X on the calendar. Another day that has come...and gone.

A 'What really matters?' day straight ahead.

And then there is... That Guy.
The forecast is what he decides it to be.

If Bill is knee deep in that snowy field and hating the world, this is the guy that comes by briskly walking ON TOP of the snow with his snow shoes (prepared) and says to Bill, "Come on Bill old buddy, only one more mile to go in this blizzard... and then this meeting will be over and we can go enjoy the warm fireplace. How good will that feel !?"

If Samantha is being smothered by the grey cloud she carries with her, and in her indifference she thinks she left her passion in the romance novel by the bed, this is the guy that comes by and charges up the defibulator simply by changing the batteries in the old seemingly worn out radio. And he reminds Samantha her nice red dress is just the splash of color the day needed. ( respectfully of course).

'Depth of winter' is that phrase that summarizes how you do not want to feel. The mental picture gives you the feeling without need of explanation. It just shows you in a flash of a second...the quicksand of negative emotion that threatens each and every one of us should we let it take over our moments.

Do you have a mental picture for an invincible summer?
Do you have the will deep within you to lay that picture over top of the well copied, winter smotherland image?

Victim or Victor?
Play the Passion card or Fold to the stressors.

How will you respond today...should cold air come knocking?
Will you reach for your gloves and ready yourself for the seemingly inevitable....or will you grab your beach towel and open the door?

Good morning,

Pierre Couturier

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