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"What can we do, starting today, to build lasting success?"...."We all want to be part of something. We all want to feel great about the choices we make."

Monday, December 15, 2008

Awaken Your Day - Dec 16 - Energy Redirected

It seems often at this time of year, that I find myself feeling more peaceful thoughts. More melancholy toward things. I catch myself in thought about someone whom I have not spoken with in awhile, or had some disagreement with.

I tend to put away some of the anger or resentment that had been accompanying thoughts of this person, and turn another page toward more of what really matters.

Maybe it is the season, the atmosphere.

Maybe it is just so tiring to be angry and it takes away the fun and the good energy that should be overflowing from my thoughts and well wishes.

It really does take energy to be angry with someone.

And what do we get in return?

Do we win the imaginary arguements we play out in our head? Come on, you know the one; in your fantasy you get the opportunity to tell them exactly how you feel and you are not intimidated so it comes out full blast and perfectly worded and you let them have it and in your thoughts they understand finally what was so obvious before but somehow they treated you badly.... and so on, and so on....and we roll in the negative thoughts.

Of course you win in your daydream...when they say sorry in your mind and you have this weight lifted off your shoulders...thinking, "Ya, that's what I would say...that would do it. That would make them feel horrible for how they made me feel."

If you call that winning. Now you find yourself at the end of an imaginary storyline and you are all revved up and you have turned the volume up on what annoyed you. And then we tend to hit the repeat button...imagining another time, another victory...for the same hurt, and so on and so on.

A wise friend once told me, "When it hurts more to hang on, that it does to let go ... Let go."

At the time it was about a bad relationship I was in. But you can use it for long living disagreements, and issues with family, or what ever may be the thorn with someone you have in your life. Are we overlooking and losing out on value - time for sharing - growing and experiencing life - maybe creating much better memories that make whatever the issue is fade away to forgotten irrelevance?

I urge you to examine any conflicting relationship you have right now. Pick one. Someone you care for, but you feel you are or have been wronged. I am not saying you have to call them and lay yourself out there for what you deem as more abuse. What I am asking is that you take a closer look at the situation and ask yourself what merit it holds.

Is it worth getting worked up over? Is it hurting you more to hang onto this?

Can you just release your grip on this rope that binds you to it - and just feel the stress leave your shoulders, your neck...and yes, your heart? What you do after you release is totally up to you for you know your situation, and I realize that just thinking pretty and peaceful thoughts does not always repair damage right away.

But if you could start by identifying that this feeling, expressed or held in, most likely does you no good to hang onto - and then, just breathing deep, looking around you at what is truly meaningful to you...and just release, you could then much better evaluate how you really feel, and what is your best plan of action for your self worth, your truth to your own self, and the effects on your ability to express how you feel.

Where does this lay on my importance scale? Is it relative to my dreams and ambitions, or is it detrimental and draining of my energy?

Make peace with something today. A feeling, a person, or a feeling about a person...just find something that you have been holding a lead rope too, and let it go.

One thing.

And mine will be two.

That friend you call, theirs will be the third.

Her sister, she will find a fourth.

You get the picture. Are you reminded of a role you can play today?

And ... maybe, just maybe, this afternoon we will be able to prioritize our thoughts and remember that Christmas is only a short time away.

There are alot of reasons I have to feel Joy this year.

And as I choose to think of those reasons, I am able to release my hold on a rope or two.

Good morning.

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