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"What can we do, starting today, to build lasting success?"...."We all want to be part of something. We all want to feel great about the choices we make."

Monday, March 31, 2014

AYD - March 31, 2014 - We do What We Can... And Then, A Little More

“Rules of living
Don't worry, eat three square meals a day,say your prayers, be courteous to your creditors, keep your digestion good,steer clear of biliousness,exercise, go slow and go easy. May be there are other things that your special case requires to make you happy, but my friend, these, i reckon, will give you a good life.”
- Abraham Lincoln

Read, Enact, Review, Repeat.
Some substitutions are permitted.

But what is this Biliousness... ?
Biliousnsness - Definition - Noun - 3. peevish; irritable; cranky. 4.
extremely unpleasant or distasteful
There... I learned something new today.  Use that at the water cooler and you will command attention all day.  " I must steer clear of all this biliousness.  Carry on without me!"
Bottom line is - we all know how to live a good life.  We know what we need to avoid, what we need to appreciate.  We know we need to take better care of ourselves, to make good decisions.  We all have lessons learned from a variety of sources.
The trick, is to alter what we are doing if we truly want to alter the outcome.  Heard this many times.  Why do we wait until after the effect shows it's reflection.
Each day, grab hold of one moment where you can alter the direction.  Communicate better with ourselves and we will maintain control of the script that is the day before us.
Good morning, Greater day.
Greater you, will book mark a moment for others to look more closely on.
Pierre Couturier
Husband, Daddy and Author to my Day.

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